The single greatest thing you could ever do for your writing career
In Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, she insists upon a daily ritual called “Morning Pages.” I’ve been doing them for about seven months, and they’ve absolutely changed my life. AND I PROMISE YOU: it’s the greatest thing you could ever do for your writing career. Ever. Here’s how they work: 1. First thing in the morning (even before checking email!) open a blank document, either on paper or on…
Observe your future self
ATTENTION ANYONE UNDER 25! If you’re a “young blade,” as my Grandma likes to say, you need to take a good look at the veterans of your industry. I suggest: Meet them. Observe them Hang out with them. Ask questions of them. THEN: create a picture of the type of person that someone who does what you do often becomes. This is something you need to know going in….
7 ways to become a Virtual Extrovert
Anonymity is the greatest barrier to business success. Especially online. Because if you don’t exist on the Internet, you don’t exist. HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS: even the painfully shy, even the most introverted souls, can still become Virtual Extroverts. A Virtual Expert voices her opinion … online. A Virtual Expert takes the first step … online. A Virtual Expert sticks herself out there … online. Here’s a list of…
Immediate Personal Discounting
The first words out of your mouth MUST project confidence. That way, you build the right frame for your argument. In a speech. In a classroom. In an audience. In a boardroom. In an interview. When I was a marketing student at Miami University, my professor, Dr. David Rosenthal, stressed the importance building the right frame. “Avoid Immediate Personal Discounting,” he stressed. IPD, as we learned, was a dangerous…
NametagTV: Video Cliff Notes to “Make a Name for Yourself”
Enjoy these “video cliff notes” for my latest book! LET ME ASK YA THIS… Have you ever made video cliff notes of your philosophy? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… Post your clips here! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Are you the luckiest person you know? Watch Scott’s interview on 20/20! add to * digg it! * email this post
How pluggable are you?
I plugged your blog. I plugged your book. I plugged your show. I plugged your website. I plugged your product. I plugged your company. I plugged your new movie. I plugged your new album. Don’t you love it when someone says that to you? It means you’re pluggable. According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the word plug didn’t take on its “promotional” meaning until 1902. Today it’s defined as…
If they want you, they’ll find you
Anonymity is your greatest barrier to business success. Thank God for the Internet, right? After all, if there’s one thing the Internet proves, it’s this: if they want you, they’ll find you. Prospects. Customers. The media. Everyone. If they want you, they’ll find you. FIRST EXAMPLE: My friend Ken once wrote an article for a trade publication. Sadly, the editor failed to include his bio at the end of…
Gentle Reminder Selling: 5 Value-Added Follow-Up Approaches
As a salesperson, you don’t want to be a pest. But you DO want to follow up effectively. So, what’s your approach? THREE WORDS: Gentle Reminder Selling. It’s non-threatening. It’s not overly salesy. It’s a great method for delivering value. FOE EXAMPLE: let’s say a certain prospect hasn’t returned your calls or emails. Maybe she’s busy. Maybe she forgot to reply. Maybe she has more important stuff to do…
How absurdities become antidotes
Every day when I slap a new nametag on my shirt, I remind myself of what Einstein once said: “If at first your idea is not absurd, there is no hope for it.” FACT: Einstein’s greatest scientific discovery sparked from a mental picture he had when he was 16 years old. One day, while taking a walk, Albert envisioned himself riding atop of beam of light into outer space,…
Approachable Service: 18 Ways to be UNFORGETTABLE!
1. Answer in advance. Make a list of the 101 most frequently asked questions your customers. Write a short answer for each one (no more than one paragraph). Then give away that little booklet FOR FREE to every single person who walks in your door. (You could also make this into a CD, audiocassette or podcast.) 2. Use magic. Write letters, thank you notes and proposals to your clients…