Ideas are free, execution is priceless.
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Dropping a precision f strike
Do you want to get out of your own way? Here’s an emotional linguistic hack that will change your life. Learn to replace the phrase, fuck you, with the phrase, okay, sounds great. It’s just an easier existence. You save yourself and everyone else a heaping ton of stress, conflict and complication. Now, understandably, those two words are difficult to resist. Saying fuck you to someone is a classic…
A game of seek and go hide
I am a huge fan of logic. Despite being the classic right brained creative whose livelihood centers around his ability to throw off the shackles of logic and exploit the resources of imagination, I see the allure. Logic is just so clean, useful and beautiful. And as I collaborate with more engineers, developers, designers and technical people in my career, I have learned ways to improve my own logical…
If you’re nothing without the suit, then you shouldn’t have it
I have been wearing my nametag all day, every day, for twenty five years. And along my journey, there have been many occasions where people accused me of hiding behind it. Which is a counterintuitive concept, because wearing a nametag is, in many ways, the polar opposite of hiding. It actually forces me to be seen, noticed and interacted with. The sticker makes me an order of magnitude more…
Burning out faster than a strand of cheap holiday lights
We can come boldly to the throne of grace and find mercy in our time of need. Preachers use this verse in sermons as an invitation to approach god with confidence, but we don’t necessarily have to involve the big man upstairs to gain value from scripture. I see this verse as a reminder of the importance of being accountable to our own needs. Rather than codependently hiding behind…
Temporary relief and safety today, hindering growth and connection tomorrow
Let’s talk about the things we hide behind. There are so many ways to avoid being seen, noticed or interacted with in this world. And each tactic is more fascinating and seductive than the next. That’s human nature for you. We’re all expert at using things to protect ourselves from criticism, punishment and vulnerability. We have been conditioned to quell many of our top fears, like the fear of…