I’m Going To Kiss Your Ass So You Shut Up
“Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.” Sam Sheridan’s survival advice from Jay Mohr’s podcast. Love it. This mantra originates from the military. But since I’m not a trained killer, I like to apply it to other areas of my life. When I swipe my MetroCard, I recite this mantra to myself. The turnstile always complies. When I’m doing yoga postures, I recite this mantra to myself. The body always performs. When I’m in a…
Whatever Conquering Of Selfish Habits It May Necessitate
“Investing in the reality of other human beings.” What nobody tells you about working for yourself is, it’s easy to fall down the narcissism rabbit hole and not even realize it. Spending ten hours a day in your pajamas, pounding away on your laptop, doing the work you love is a glorious thing. But when we start acting like artists first and humans second, we start trading independence for empathy. We…
Your Feelings Swallow Your Thinking
“I’m creating my own nationality.” Intriguing statement from comedian Jim Gaffigan. Reminds me of a project I did about six years ago. After studying every sacred text from every major religion, I still wasn’t existentially satisfied. So I decided to write my own bible. Seemed like an funky adventure. A few weeks later, I booked a flight to Sedona, spent four days alone in the desert and cobbled together my…
Sing Like Something’s Escaping
“Reality is on a need to know basis.” After watching this gorgeous interview with photojournalist David Guttenfelder, I immediately walked outside and starting taking pictures. God that made me happy. There’s something deeply satisfying about capturing visual moments. And I don’t pretend to be a fauxtographer. I don’t know much about cameras or framing or lighting or aperture. But I am an amazing noticer. I see things most people miss. And…
I Wasn’t A Full Person Until My Heart Was Destroyed
“I tried on a lumpy wool cardigan that looked like a lamb had died on me.” Now that I live in the hometown of the hipsters, it’s fascinating to read articles describing them. Most are literary cheap shots, but this piece was so goddamn funny, I could barely contain myself. Much respect to journalist Henry Alford. I aspire to write sentences that good. I mean, that well. “I wasn’t a…
This May Be The Best Thing Since Sliced Beer
“Honey, I think that wants to be a song.” As a little girl, this is what Lucinda Williams‘ father would tell her when she wrote a bad poem. So cool. That’s exactly the kind of environment a young artist needs during her formative years. One that encourages, nurtures and channels creativity into the right places. With a foundation like that, the probability of doing brilliant work increases exponentially. “The show made people appreciate…
Do You Want To Be Funny Or Happy?
“Being stuck in one place and bored out of your mind is the key to creativity.” Last summer, I went on sabbatical. Three whole months. And I did something I’d never done before: Nothing. At first, the boredom chipped away at my psyche like a tiny jackhammer. But slowly, I began channeling my idleness. Worked on some very cool projects that I’m really proud of. And by the time…
A Monument To A Rare Burst Of Enthusiasm
“Each website became a monument to a rare burst of enthusiasm.” Perfect description of the entrepreneur’s struggle from Users, Not Customers. We have these big, bold ideas that thoroughly consume us for two weeks. And then one morning we wake up and realize we’ve completely lost interest. I’m just not that into you, we say, as we hopscotch onto the next creative fling. “Being good at both art and entrepreneurship is a rare combination.” For a hundred…
People Aren’t Born To Switch On And Off Like Water Faucets
“Old seltzer men never die, they just lose their spritzer.” Endearing piece about the last of the great seltzer men. I didn’t even know that was a profession. Who knew you could build a career from bubbles? I want to have dinner with Eli Miller. They don’t make ’em like that anymore. “People aren’t born to switch on and off like water faucets.” Interesting perspective from a 70’s prostitute on taking your…
The Shovel Of Sand On Your Bonfire Of Achievement
“Out to eat, face down in their smartphones.” This is where we’re at. This is what we’ve decided to accept as normal. What a crock. My phone has been massively cracked for seven months. And I’m never going to get it fixed. Ever. Why? Because it doesn’t fucking matter. Great cartoon, Jason. “Everybody should have something to point to.” I’m reading a inspiring/heartbreaking book called Working. Loved this chapter about the satisfaction of visual…