Own your breath, and nobody can steal your peace
Yoga is a neverending practice of letting go. It’s a ritual of pressing the release valve on ourselves, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. That’s why we begin our series with pranayama breathing. This posture teaches us to thread our breath through every action. It reminds us that breath is life. And it shows us that when we own our breath, nobody can steal our peace. Unfortunately, all of that woo…
Practice the art of benign neglect
One of life’s most liberating realizations is, you cannot care about everything. That the heart has limits, and each of us only has so much emotional bandwidth to offer. And so, every chance you get, try practicing the art of benign neglect. Watch what happens when you try not caring about something small. Next time you feel that controlling instinct welling up inside of you, take a deep breath…
A candle of confidence against the darkness
Pickup artists will often instruct lonely, shy men to boost their social confidence by taking advantage of dry runs. Engaging in shadowboxing opportunities before they enter into the ring. For example, before hitting the clubs, a guy might stop by the mall for an hour. Specifically, the department stores. Why? Because there’s zero threat of rejection. Think about it. Every makeup counter and perfume spritzer and jewelry store in…
Moments of Conception 184: The Advertising Scene from Minority Report
All creativity begins with the moment of conception. That little piece of kindling that gets the fire going. That initial source of inspiration that takes on a life of its own. That single note from which the entire symphony grows. That single spark of life that signals an idea’s movement value, almost screaming to us, something wants to be built here. Based on my books in The Prolific Series, I’m going…
Everything else is a side effect
The ability to discern between the intentional and the incidental is crucial to success. Because in any endeavor, there are always two components at work. There’s the target, which is the intentional part; and then there’s the reward for hitting the target, which is the incidental part. Let’s use the example of an entrepreneur. Her intentional target is to create a product that solves a real, urgent, expensive and…
A perfect narrative of excuses and failure
A pivotal moment in my mental health history was admitting that I didn’t have a disease, I had an illness directly related to my stress level. That distinction changed everything. Because initially, I thought that my chronic pain was the result of irritable bowel syndrome and dairy allergies and peptic ulcers and probiotic deficiencies. But that was just a dodge. A sickness scapegoat. A convenient story that I told…
Eyes Full Of Dreams — Chapter 01: Not Another (2015) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Eyes Full Of Dreams is a musical and motivational masterclass about making use of everything you are. This film will be presented as a serialized, episodic documentary. I’m premiering each song as a stand alone chapter. Watch the movie, buy the album and download the dream journal at Not Another There are no kings anymore There are no locks on the prison doors Keep all of your lusts in…
When the love spilled out they called it art
My third grade teacher had a love/hate relationship with me. Because on most days, instead of paying attention to her lessons in math and science and history, I was busy writing stories and composing songs and drawing mazes and creating comic strips and designing logos for nonexistent rock bands that I was going to start one day. I’ll never forget the parent teacher conference we had mid semester. Instead…
Credibility is the ancestor of volume
I have a financial planner friend who has thirty letters after his last name. His business card is a thing of beauty. When I asked him about the story behind that, he said the letters weren’t there because he was good at taking tests or smarter than the competitors, but because he started his advisory practice in his early twenties, and he needed credibility. Fast. Otherwise clients wouldn’t take…
Chance brings about a fertile assembly of information
In the creative season of intermission, or throughput, you manage your ideas as an inventory system. You’re the foreman of your own brain. During this process, it’s useful to introduce an arbitrary sorting mechanism, i.e., cataloguing your files chronologically or alphabetically. This organizing principle is free of judgment and expectation, which allows you to notice patterns in your ideas and inspiration. That way, each time you walk the factory floor, as it were, you…