Hope is the muscle that needs rest
Harvey’s course on shadow work lovingly reminds us that we must prepare for the end of hope. We must stand in the truth of the self and allow for the incineration of all the illusions, including the most beautiful one of all, the illusion of hope, to come into the reality of the extremity of the situation. Quite the counterintuitive thought. After all, we have always been taught that nothing is…
There’s a fine line between fuck you and fuck me
Success doesn’t have a line. It’s not about fairness, it’s not about merit and it’s not about talent. It’s about timing. It isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. And so, it’s no surprise that we feel a little twinge of envy when somebody’s dream gets more attention than ours. We infuriatingly wonder to ourselves, wow, has anyone gotten so far on so little? This is a perfectly normal reaction….
There’s a time to be honest, and there’s a time to sell cars
Schwartz’s fascinating study on virtue found that in life, there is no such thing as an unmitigated good. There is no value or behavior that’s universally positive. Take the overhyped word authenticity. It’s become the defining virtue to which we are all urged all aspire. But there are some key questions worth asking. What good is authenticity if everybody in you know thinks you’re a dick? How noble is being in…
The constantly thickening veil of illusion
Jung named the shadow as the unconscious aspect of personality. The emotion that the conscious ego does not identify in itself. In short, it’s our dark side. What’s tricky is, while shadows are largely negative, there are times when positive aspects can actually harm us. Jung says they can act as a constantly thickening veil of illusion between the ego and the real world. Hope, as an example, can be…
The buried sun where everything must one day burn
Emerson knew a thing or two about creative originality. He wrote: The more truly we consult our own powers, the more different will our work exhibit from the work of any other. Each individual soul is in virtue of its being a power to translate the world into some particular language of its own. Camus echoed a similar sentiment nearly a century later. He observed: A time always comes…
We can still remind ourselves that we have hope
Emerson’s nonlinear nature is best personified by the following passage from his famous essay: One does not interfere with life’s vast curves, prematurely forcing them into a circle of ellipse, but only that arc which one clearly sees, and perhaps at a later observation, a remote curve of the same orbit, and waits for a new opportunity, well assured that these observed arcs will consist of each other. His words are…
A portent of doom and misfortune
Data driven organizations are trained to stop wondering what they think and start asking what they know. To move away from hunches and instinct and closer to fact. Which is a useful approach when it comes to technology. But when it comes to messy task of unraveling the riddle of human nature, things aren’t so binary. During my stint as brand manager a tech startup, our entire staff of…
Moaning at the thought of the uphill climb ahead of you
Brands love beating their chests. Bragging about how their innovative products and services are filling people’s needs in a simple, useful way. Which is fine, except when there is a profound disconnect between what the brand is proud to ship and what the customer is prepared to buy. My first startup job was with an air passenger rights organization. We helped disrupted travelers get compensation from the airlines for…
Genuine outgrowths of a blossoming new self
The true addiction is not the substance, it’s the identity of the user. That’s what we crave. That’s what we wake up scrambling to get our fix of. The person that the drug turns us into. Workaholics, for example, are not only addicted to the adrenaline highs that come from the intensity of being busy, meeting deadlines and achieving results, but we’re also addicted to the persona of being…
Into the vacuum my genius pours
Koontz writes in his book about seizing the night that each of us carry within us a divine spark, and if we choose to recognize it, our lives will have dignity, meaning and hope. But what we must remember is, recognizing is only the first step. Because if it’s true that each of us has a place within where we are eternally whole, where there is a gift so valuable that…