Does anyone in San Diego ever work?
Just got back from a speech in San Diego with my client, Remodelers Advantage. I spent the whole weekend there to soak up the sun and enjoy the scenery. On Friday morning I took a barefoot walk down to the beach at about 8:00 AM. I saw people running, biking, wakeboarding, surfing and lounging. And my first thought was: does anyone in San Diego ever work? By the time…
How to neutralize your customers’ worst fears
I used to work in retail, so I know how important approachability can be when it comes to encounters between salespeople and in-store customers. That’s why when I read this article from called Best-kept secrets of the world’s best companies, I also peed my pants. Yes, that’s how amazing this idea is. Check it out… Car shopping as entertainment has always been the draw at Planet Honda in…
If you build it, they will come…maybe
Was Kevin Costner accurate in Field of Dreams right when he said: “If you build it, they will come…”? Maybe. You can take that quotation in all kinds of directions. And I think one way to transfer his words is into the realm of marketing, or as I call it, professional approachability: If you build it = a front porch for you and your company that projects approachability… They…
HELLO, my name is Podcast – Episode 6: Clips From Scott’s Speech @ WOMMA
I just got the audio recording of my keynote @ WOMMA’s Basic Training Conference in January. A couple of great clips are included in this week’s podcast, including (what I think is) the funniest thing that’s ever happened to me during a speech. Guess you’ll just have to listen to find out what it is! LET ME ASK YA THIS… What’s the funniest moment you’ve ever experienced during a…
“Hey Scott, do you know anyone else who wears a nametag all the time?”
I get this question a lot. And while I’ve received lots of emails over the years on the topic of “nametag wishes and sharpie dreams,” I’ve only met a few dozens folks who’ve really stuck with it. (God the puns are endless with this stuff!) But every once in a while an article pops up about some guy (and it’s usually a guy, too, for some reason…I don’t think…
OK, I finally jumped onto the MySpace bandwagon
I admit it: I’ve been skeptical about MySpace for a while now. To me, it just seemed like something that would have been fun to do in high school or college; but as a business person, probably not a prudent use of my time. Then I read this article from the USA Today about MySpace that educated me further. “Traffic on MySpace has grown 318% in the last year…
Survey reveals that “beasts” increase a wine bottle’s retail approachability
Thanks to good ol’ Google Alerts, as soon as the words “approachable,” “approachability” and the like show up on the internet, I get to read about them. I started doing this for research purposes, as well as discover cool stuff to post on this blog. And the one thing I’ve noticed in the past few years is that whenever “approachable” comes up, at least one of the links is…
Hey Scott, how many people have you actually met by wearing a nametag 24-7 for 6 years?
Special thanks to all my new friends at T-Mobile (namely, Dennis Smith) who invited me to speak at their monthly teleseminar yesterday. We had a great time talking about recruitment, an industry for which approachability is absolutely essential. During Q & A, Dennis posed an interesting question that I’d actually been wondering about myself recently. “Scott, have you ever tried to quantify the approximate number of people you’ve met…
Eat Your Heart Out Hitch! Try Silent Speed Dating with Liz Kelly
Shhhh…Silent Dating is the hot new dating trend that started in London – and is now moving across the US. Liz Kelly, Dating Coach and Author, is now hosting Silent Dating Parties where there is only one rule – No Talking Please! This event coordinates with the release of her new book, Smart Man Hunting. Based on her dating and corporate communications expertise, Kelly explains, “Because 80% of communication…
What’s in a name? (Part Tres)
At least once a week, I receive an email, link or even a package in the mail with some type of nametag related paraphernalia, for which I’m always grateful. I mean, after all, who else would care so much about stuff like this?! Recently, fellow speaker and friend Justin Driscoll sent me a very cool feature in the Pittsburgh City Paper called Game of the Name. I’ve included a…