But here’s the thing about things
Some people have a straight vector line, right out of the womb. They don’t waver and wrestle with those identity doubts that plague the most of us. All they know is, there’s this thing that sticks inside of them that says, you were born for this, and so, they never even consider doing or being anything else. Palnik, one of my favorite cartoonists, was showing his books and prints…
My favorite public figure to blame my anxiety on
What if you were independent of the outer world as your primary source of satisfaction? What if you were not burdened by the weariness of all those externally generated demands? Calm and content, that’s what you would be. Imagine if your mechanism of fulfillment was your own. It would become this priceless possession nobody could take away from you. It would become lever you could pull to transform your…
When guilt becomes fuel that burns clean
Once we learn to forgive ourselves and accept our own humanity, we can awake from the sleep of guilt and start using it as fuel. We can transform guilt into an emotion that fuels our growth. It starts by noticing the feeling and asking it what it wants from us. Is this feeling inviting me to connect with my moral compass and values as a person? Is this feeling…
The home field advantage in the game of life
Clemens, at the tail end of his pitching career, negotiated a contract where he only played in home games. That way, he could drive to work and not go on the road. No coping with changing time zones or climates, no dealing with the rigors of travel, and no working through the idiosyncrasies of other ballparks and their moronic, hateful fans. Houston or bust. This sounds like an extreme…
Spend too much time in unprofitable amusements
The term protestant work ethic was coined in the early nineteen hundreds. But it wasn’t until about seventy years later than a pair of clinical psychologists created a scale by which to measure it. Here are a few of my favorite questions from the framework: *People who fail at a job have usually not tried hard enough. *Our society would have fewer problems if people had less leisure time….
The first step in building your meaning making machinery
If you don’t make a name for yourself, someone will make one for you. This has been a mantra of mine ever since my first book went viral, which led to my appearance on a nationally syndicated news program. Millions of viewers saw my debut interview, which had the following job title underneath my head. Nametag wearer. How proud my parents must have been. Four years of college and…
Words don’t mean anything until we give them the power to say everything
There is no success or failure, there is only what happens. Consequences of our actions. Right or wrong, good or bad, win or lose, positive or negative, these are just words. Mental constructs. Socially inherited labels that we attach to our experiences. They have no moral and objective meaning. There is no tribunal that decide which result is the best. Sadly, human beings love to compartmentalize. It’s embedded in…
The kind of relationship we have with milestones
Thor, the god of thunder, was given a memorable piece of advice from his mother: Everyone fails at who they’re supposed to be. But the measure of a person, a hero, is how they succeed at being who they are. Her words suggest a question that most of us have probably never asked. What kind of relationship do we have with milestones? That’s a big word in our culture….
Changing just one core rule in the universe
Science fiction and fantasy writers typically start their novels with the answer to the following question. What happens if you change just one core rule in the universe? Authors do this because they’re creating limits for their fictional world, and they have to make sure the story stays accessible and believable to their audience. Because once you change one rule, it effects everything going forward. You can almost hear…
With every ping pong ball that splashes into a red plastic cup
Traditional male bonding never really appealed to me. Playing sports, social drinking, video games, fishing, hunting, camping, gambling, smoking cigars, insulting each other, working with tools, and of course, sexual conquesting, these activities do almost nothing for me. I love my male friends, enjoy spending time with them, and value guy time as an important part of my growth. But spending eleven hours sitting around a lake, drinking beer…