Work Isn’t Our Plight, It’s Our Purpose

Work is more than a job.

It’s a daily routine that ensures our days have a cadence
and rhythm of movement. It’s a center of belonging where we connect to the
collective human heart. It’s a contribution to the world where we become
productive members of society. It’s the prime means to express our sense of who
we are.

It’s an outlet
for coming alive through the pursuit of our ideas. It’s the thing we do to build
a stable life. It’s a platform we use to do art, hone skills, build a
reputation and make our mark on other people. It’s a holy arena for our highest
self and a home for all of our talents. It is our necessity, our pleasure and our playground.

where we channel our ambition and satisfy the most primal and sacred
fundament of our being. It’s
where we practice the act of dreaming, doing and finishing, getting straight to
the heart of what it means to be a person. It’s what informs our sense of self
and contributes to our identity.

interesting is, a hundred years ago, almost nobody on the planet had a job.

But they still worked.

Because as human beings, work is the organizing principle of
life. It’s the iron rod in the center. It’s the validation of our existence. Work encompasses all we do, paid and unpaid, throughout our lives. It’s an institution that’s a central feature of every stage of life.

And while it’s not the only thing there is to life, without
it, we definitely feel like a big piece of our life is missing.

isn’t our plight, it’s our purpose.


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Author. Speaker. Strategist. Songwriter. Filmmaker. Inventor. Gameshow Host. World Record Holder. I also wear a nametag 24-7. Even to bed.
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