Contact Scott!
So, what would you like to talk about? *Speaking gigs *Renting Scott’s brain *Training/e-learning programs *Reprinting articles or blog posts *Purchasing books (corporate discounts available!) Drop Scott a line here! HELLO, my name is Scott! 7563 Oxford Drive #2 South St. Louis, MO 63105Office: 314/256-1800 Cell: 314/374-3397 [email protected] AIM Screen Name: ginnyjoe14 Google Talk ID: hellomynameisscott
Be non-checkoffable
People make mental notes. Notes that indicate whether or not they like you. Notes that indicate whether or not they should do business with you. Notes that indicate whether or not they should refer their friends to you. And if you read Blink, you learned that people make these mental notes quickly. Like, within a few seconds. (Yikes!) These “people,” represent a certain pool of individuals. Customers, prospects and…
38 random thoughts about creativity
1. Eliminate the following sentences from your vocabulary: *But I’ve never been creative! *I’m a left-brain person… *Creativity doesn’t run in my family! *I work in a job that doesn’t require creativity… Sure, they may be true. But they’re blocking your creativity! One of the first steps to enhancing creativity is changing your attitude. Eliminating negative past programming. Removing counterproductive thoughts that obstruct creative thinking. 2. The moment you…
100 people (not) to listen to
Growing bigger ears isn’t just about listening. It’s also about NOT listening. Not listening to the wrong kinds of people, that is. After all, the word “bigger” also means “more mature.” So, I did a fun little Google search and came up with (yet another) one of my lists: 100 People (not) to Listen To 1. Don’t listen to people who … have no idea what the hell they’re…
Abilities trump age
You’re the youngest person in your office. It sucks, right? Trust me, I know what it’s like. Coworkers and customers give you a hard time because you’re “the baby,” or because you’ve “just graduated” or because you’ve “never heard of The Beatles.” Big deal. Consider the plights of these five Young Pups: 1. Napoleon Bonaparte was an artillery captain at 23. 2. Charles Lindbergh was the first man to…
The Nametag Guy gives away his 4th book for FREE!
2,372 days ago, I made the most important decision of my entire career… I decided to wear a nametag all day, every day, for the rest of my life. My name is Scott Ginsberg. I’m That Guy with Nametag. And this is my story. It’s called Make a Name For Yourself. Friends, this book will knock your socks off. It’s the best work I’ve ever created to date. And…
7 reasons (excuses) for NOT writing
1. DISCIPLINE: But I can’t just sit down and write! According to bestselling blogging book Naked Conversations, 50% of all business blogs are abandoned in the first two months. Now, while it’s easy to attribute this trend to a variety of factors, let’s face it: it boils down to a lack of discipline. Blog or no blog. WRITE THIS WAY: get a writing accountability partner. Every Friday, send each…
It’s All About the Sticker: 7 Ways to Enshrine Your Business
Katz’s Deli is a delicatessen on the Lower East Side of New York City. Been around since 1888. But it’s not just any old deli. Katz’s was the site of Meg Ryan’s famous fake-orgasm scene (“I’ll have what she’s having”) in the 1989 romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally. THE BEST PART: the table at which she and Billy Crystal sat is clearly marked with a sign that says,…
One of the early lessons I learned about speaking (and business, in general) was from Lou Heckler. (Man, talk about a great last name for a humorist, huh?) Anyway, here’s what Lou told me in 2003. I’ll never forget it: There are three kinds of speakers in the world. First, there’s a GOOD speaker. After he’s done with his talk, audience members come up to him, shake his hand…
The Paradox of Inspiration
“Inspiration comes unannounced.” Powerful words. Something I figured out about a year ago. It means that writing, innovation (or any creative endeavor, for that matter) is a function of “plucking.” Pay attention, listen, watch, observe (through your personal filters); then capture those inspired ideas onto paper, expand on them, and ultimately share them with the world. Inspiration comes unannounced. Got it. But therein lies the paradox. See, (my hero)…