Do You Need More Time Or A Better Routine?
You don’t need more time, you need a better routine. Here are a few I’ve adopted over the years: Set a reverse curfew.Make a daily bargain with yourself that you will be out of the house by a certain time. Say, at the coffee shop by ten. That way, you put yourself on a deadline. Otherwise your morning will slip away. Use rituals to carve a pathway.Set a daily…
Scott Ginberg’s Digital Devotional Series, Book 8: Playing For Keeps
You’re an artist. You’ve chosen an uncertain path. You’ve adopted an inconvenient lifestyle. And you’ve decided to go your own way. But if you want to arrive in one piece – and one peace – you have to delete the amateurism out of your life. This is the critical crossroads – the emotional turning point – in the life of a young artist. I’ve been there myself. I’m still…
Scott Ginberg’s Digital Devotional Series, Book 7: Stick-to-itiveness
Easy buttons are lies. It might take guts to stick yourself out there. But it takes gusto to keep yourself out there. Fortunately, stick-to-itiveness can be learned. Aka, “Stick to it.” Aka, “Stick with it.” Aka, “Stick in there.” The secret is, commitment changes everything. Whether you’re starting a new relationship, moving to a new city, going full time with your business or devoting your life to a charitable…
Scott Ginberg’s Digital Devotional Series, Book 6: You’re Not There To Answer Their Questions
It’s all about increasing the probability. Of getting noticed. Of getting remembered. Of getting what matters most. And for a lot of people right now, that means getting a job. And after tens of thousands of conversations with professionals worldwide, I’ve now written extensively on the relationship between approachability and hireability. This book is a compendium of that work. Much of it comes from my regular column on….
Scott Ginberg’s Digital Devotional Series, Book 5: Winking In The Dark
In 1957, the New York Herald Tribune published an article that changed everything. The headline said it all: “Doing business without marketing is like winking in the dark.” That sentence changed me forever. Because no matter how smart you are, how valuable your product is, or how hard you work – if the people who matter can’t see you, you lose. Visibility wins. To compete in an attention economy,…
Scott Ginberg’s Digital Devotional Series, Book 3: Hire Yourself
I never went to the career fair. I just hired myself and got to work. And after ten years, I still haven’t been fired. Which is surprising, as I’m the most unemployable person on the planet. The cool part is, taking the road less traveled doesn’t just make the biggest difference in your life – it also enables you to make the biggest difference in other people’s lives….
Scott Ginberg’s Digital Devotional Series, Book 4: One Smoking Hot Piece of Brain Candy
Eye candy. It’s is an idiom of physical attractiveness that means someone with high visual appeal, yet little or no substance. Brain candy. It’s an idiom of psychological attractiveness that means someone with high mental appeal and significant substance. Which one describes you? Hopefully the latter, as it’s more enduring, more attractive, more equitable, more marketing, more memorable and more approachable. The best part is, eye candy eventually loses…
Scott Ginsberg’s Digital Devotional Series, Book 2: Friendly Costs Nothing, But Changes Everything
When I started wearing a nametag everyday, I wasn’t trying to make money – I was trying to make a point. Friendly doesn’t cost anything – but it changes everything. That was the stand. That was the movement I was starting. And to my delight, people proved me right. Thousands of then. All around the world. Two years later, I started my first company. Three years later, I published…
Scott Ginsberg’s Digital Devotional Series, Book 1: Consistency Is Far Better Than Rare Moments Of Greatness
It’s hard to be inconsistent and win. Especially now. People know more, see more, remember more and repeat more – than ever before. Everything matters. Everybody’s watching. Everything’s a performance. Privacy is so last century. And when you lack consistency, when your onstage performance doesn’t align with your backstage reality, people see through you like bottle of water. Which doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. You are human,…
Today, I’m starting a global movement. I need your help. This is me asking you for a favor.
Today, I am releasing eight new books on Kindle. All digital. All daily devotionals. And the best part is, all books are $0.00 for Prime Members for the first five days, then $0.99 after that. Why? I’m starting a global movement. And I need your help… Help me prove that thinkers don’t need permission to do so. Help me show which of the mainstream hoops aren’t worth jumping through….