Peace and perspective is ours for the taking
Although our eyes grow accustomed to the dark, every incident can still be brought into its proper light. No matter what catastrophe befalls us, there are always questions that we can pose to improve our overall internal experience. How could you take a broader view here? Are you considering the immediate condition in light of your whole journey? What if you assessed your experience proportionally within the realm of…
The room of someone’s mind
Bohr once joked that it’s very hard to predict, especially the future. But something that’s not as hard is understanding the present. Because as baffling and uncertain as life can be, what’s happening right in front of our noses is typically simpler than we might realize. It just takes a little compassion. Let’s say a colleague at work expresses sudden and malicious feelings towards us during a staff meeting….
Under what circumstances would this make perfect sense?
A coworker of mine once listed me as a reference for a potential job offer. It was an honor to be asked, so I was happy to vouch for his talents. During the call with the hiring manager from his potential employer, there was one question that stood out to me: How well would you say he manages emotions? It made me laugh, since the candidate in question was…
Walking around strung out on our own bullshit
One of my old coworkers was a highly anxious person. She sweat like a whore in church on a daily basis, and it was disruptive to the rest of the team, not to mention her own psyche. Here’s an example. When midday comes around, she starts pacing around the office, complaining about how she’s hungry, asking other people whether or not they’re hungry, working herself into a pointless tizzy…
They hitch their worthiness wagons to this noxious star
Ellis writes that our need to impress others and to win their approval, and thereby view ourselves as a good person, leads to an obsession that tends to preempt a large part of our life. We wind up seeking status instead of seeking joy. Do you know anyone like that? The person who needs everyone to notice, like and even love their work in order to feel grounded? It…
History always contains the seed for the solution
Any time we enter into a new team environment, the quicker we can get up to speed, the better. In those first few weeks, there will be a lot of catching up to do. Not only informationally, but also empathetically. We’re going to need to learn how this team became what it is today, so we can help them become what they need to be tomorrow. The good news…
Who cares what you got on the test if you have a superpower?
Contrary to what the comic books depict, your superpower doesn’t have to be something that you can do better than anyone else in the whole world. There’s no rulebook that says you need this exaggerated, telekinetic or world class ability. It can simply be a gift that you possess, that nobody can take away from you, which contributes a disproportionate amount of meaning in yours and other people’s lives….
Competence is the cover charge for getting into the club
There’s a powerful movie about top secret government operatives who killed the most wanted terrorist on the planet. When the agency director finishes his interview with the top candidate to lead his strike team, he looks over to his second in command: What do you think of the girl? To which the subordinate replies: I think she’s really smart. Then director responds with a cinematic thousand yard stare. Jeremy,…
Help me help you help me
Depression is like an over eager party guest. It doesn’t need an invitation. Sometimes it just shows up. Even if we’ve done tons of inner work to keep meaninglessness at bay, it can never be entirely ruled out. Because the pilot light inside the human brain needs only the smallest spark to ignite. If those two metaphors weren’t enough for you, here’s another one from my favorite comedian. Carlin…
Getting angry work emails on the weekends
It’s difficult to set boundaries after somebody has repeatedly violated them for an extended period of time. Because at that point, you have no ground to stand on. You’ve already been giving the mice so many cookies for so long, that it’s too late to break the habit. Even if you do draw the line, the other person is likely to not take you seriously, or worse yet, become…