Use your illusions while you still have them
Galenson’s research on the relationship between age and creativity is fascinating. He found that many conceptual innovators made sudden breakthroughs an early age. They experienced early manifestations of brilliance and virtuosity, creating their most important contributions to a discipline not long after their first exposure to it. Which isn’t to discount the old masters, those whose greatest ideas came later in life through the gradual work of trial and…
Tunnel of Love — Chapter 11: All Hearts (2014) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Tunnel of Love is a feature length concert documentary written, produced, directed and scored by Scott Ginsberg. The film explores the intersection of identity, belonging and creativity. Through live performances, playful and romantic exchanges, unexpected creative moments of conception and behind the scenes storytelling, Ginsberg’s film takes you on a heartfelt journey about what it means to be an artist, a romantic and an opportunist. Watch the trailer. Meet the creators. Go behind the scenes. See the…
Moments of Conception 140 — The Vader Scene from Revenge of the Sith
All creativity begins with the moment of conception. That little piece of kindling that gets the fire going. That initial source of inspiration that takes on a life of its own. That single note from which the entire symphony grows. That single spark of life that signals an idea’s movement value, almost screaming to us, something wants to be built here. And so, in this blog series, I’m going to…
Rehearse your dream before it evaporates
Hedberg famously said that he was sick of following his dreams, so he was just going to ask them where they were going, and hook up with them later. It’s one of the funniest and truest jokes in modern comedy. There isn’t a dreamer alive who can’t relate to that sense of frustration. Stupid dream. Goddamn it. Come true faster. Yet another cruel hoax dangled before the hungry hearts of…
Moments of Conception 139 — The Clock Scene from Hugo
All creativity begins with the moment of conception. That little piece of kindling that gets the fire going. That initial source of inspiration that takes on a life of its own. That single note from which the entire symphony grows. That single spark of life that signals an idea’s movement value, almost screaming to us, something wants to be built here. And so, in this blog series, I’m going to…
Making use of everything you are
In order to feel fully expressed, to feel that I’m creating the most value in the world, I constantly ask myself a few questions. 1. Are there are hidden gifts and talents that deserve a more prominent place in my life? 2. What personal skills have I not yet tapped into to improve people’s lives? 3. Might there be unique strategies for contributing to the world that I have…
The Sanborn Sandwiches: Five Insights That Influenced My Thinking Forever
Mark Sanborn has had a huge influence on my thinking over the years. From audio programs to books to live presentations to hallway chats to email conversations, I’ve accumulated pages and pages of notes with his insights and wisdom. In fact, he jokes that I should travel around with him as his official note taker. Count me in. What’s inspiring is, several few of his concepts have served…
Moments of Conception 138 — The Courtroom Scene from Accepted
All creativity begins with the moment of conception. That little piece of kindling that gets the fire going. That initial source of inspiration that takes on a life of its own. That single note from which the entire symphony grows. That single spark of life that signals an idea’s movement value, almost screaming to us, something wants to be built here. And so, in this blog series, I’m going to…
Tunnel of Love — Chapter 10: Sweetheart I’m Lonely For Your Arms (2014) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Tunnel of Love is a feature length concert documentary written, produced, directed and scored by Scott Ginsberg. The film explores the intersection of identity, belonging and creativity. Through live performances, playful and romantic exchanges, unexpected creative moments of conception and behind the scenes storytelling, Ginsberg’s film takes you on a heartfelt journey about what it means to be an artist, a romantic and an opportunist. Watch the trailer. Meet the creators. Go behind the scenes. See the…
I look forward to looking back on this
I’ve had periods in my life where my heart was a stranger to me. Where my work wasn’t something I could put my best self into. But no matter how bad it got, I always believed that the skills I was building there contributed to my story as an individual. That the person I was becoming from that experience was more valuable than the experience itself. And that the…