Ideas are free, execution is priceless.

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How could you create less opportunity for input?
My friend once asked me to attend services at her church. She said the culture was super progressive, casual and didn’t tell members they were going to hell. Sounds like my kind of congregation. Sure enough, everything about the experience was enjoyable. Friendly members wearing nametags, powerful music performances, even a minister whose words challenged and inspired us. At the end of the sermon, they announced that they would…
How can you get to a place of safety on a moment’s notice?
Is the world really upsetting us, or are we upsetting ourselves by what we tell ourselves about it? Most likely, the latter. Other people are not the sole source of our negative feelings. The onus is on us. The call is coming from inside the house. We need to take responsibility for improving our situation, not wait for other people to change so we feel better. There’s an interesting study from…
How dare you not be stressed out all the time at your job?
Dilbert’s boss once sat him down for his annual performance review and said the following: We can’t give you a raise because you didn’t do anything noteworthy this year. To which the engineer responds: It only seems that way because I’m so good at my job that I make it look easy and never complain. Meanwhile, his frazzled coworker storms in and yells: My job is a nightmare! And…
The yeast to flour ratio has to be right
Running lean, being scrappy, working agile, growth hacking. All of these buzzwords have broad cultural appeal and adoption, but unfortunately that doesn’t make them any less dangerous. Consider the following hypothetical scenario at a modern organization. Ask yourself if you have ever worked at a place where this happened. The company constantly forces employees to do more with less, so people get burned out. When people get burned out,…
Keeping an eye out for dangerous water conditions
We work in a corporate system where everyone is suffering together, and is conditioned to expect it as the norm, and that makes it hard for us to gauge the true level of burnout. Digiday, in their annual agency culture and employment report, included a chapter about firms trying to do more with less. One survey respondent made a comment that broke my heart: You feel like you’re drowning,…