It’s been almost one month since I started HELLO, my name is MySpace. As you probably read from my initial post, I was a bit skeptical. Wasn’t sure if it would be a valuable business tool or a theif of my time.
However, now that I’ve been actively MySpace-ing for 30 days, I thought I’d share several interesting observations, statistics and experiences about the 8th most popular website in the world (which, by the way, recently passed the 70 million user mark).
Significant Traffic Increase
I think “hits” or “traffic” of a website don’t neccessarily indicate success. I guess it depends on the site’s goals. In fact, I once heard an acronym for HITS as “How Idiots Track Sales.”
Nevertheless, I used to get about 7,000 hits a day and 1,100 unique users. Not bad.
But check this out: THE DAY I started posting on MySpace, I began to average about 10,000 hits a day with 1,600 unique users. Wow.
NOw, did I sell significantly more books? Did more speaking engagements come my way? Not really. Which leads me to my next point…
Fans, Not Customers
I believe in fans, not customers. And if there’s one benefit I’ve seen with MySpace, it’s the ability to create, stay in front of and build relationships with fans. I think that’s why MySpace is so successful for bands, comedians and the like.
God I Love Blogging
As if I really had time to do another blog. Still, I decided to officially chronicle past and present nametag related stories on Adventures in Nametagging.
What’s the point? Well, perhaps you’ve read some of the recent articles on blooks, or “collective blog posts which turn into books.” That’s exactly what I’m going for.
Old Friends
Although I’m using MySpace primarily for business reasons, it has been nice catching up with old friends from college, Portland and St. Louis. That’s one of the best parts about MySpace: staying in touch. When I graduated from college and said goodbye to many of my friends, I thought, “Wow, we’ll probably never see each other again.”
Don’t be so sure!
All in all, I’m glad I jumped onto the MySpace bandwagon. And even though the sexual safeness of MySpace has once again made the news, I still think it’s awesome.
I take back every negative thing I said about it.
What benefits (biz or personal) have you experienced from MySpace?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag