Interaction is the agent of human decision.
If someone decides to pay attention to, press the like button for, buy something
from, become a follower of, or tell others about your brand, it’s likely because of an
interaction they had with another human being.
Because real marketing isn’t about what you do to people, it’s about what you enable
people to do to each other. It’s about creating social meaning above and beyond your
product or service.
If your brand is the instrument that connects the disconnected, gets them joyfully
interacting with each other, persuading each other to step out on the dance floor,
influencing each other on your behalf, telling each other about what you do, and
ultimately treating each other as the final authority of trust, you’re the hero.
Because it’s not who you know. It’s not who knows you. It’s whose life is better
connected to other people because they know you.
I wonder what would happen if, in addition to selling a great product, your brand
helped satisfy the underlying social need within each of us to belong.
* * * *
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