Reacher once said that life was built out of freak chances, however much people would like to pretend otherwise. And so, we shouldn’t waste our time fantasizing how things might have been different, burning our energy away with useless speculation.
It’s a helpful mantra for dealing with the unsettling uncertainties of life. Specifically, when it comes to our work. Because we can pore over the metrics on sales and readers and views and shares and comments, killing ourselves trying to recreate lightning in a bottle, but the reality is, moments of creative brilliance are mostly luck. They’re a byproduct of beautiful timing. We just like to look for meaning where there is none, because we’re too afraid to accept randomness.
When I first started my business, I used to keep detailed records of monthly web traffic, number of daily users, statistics about which articles performed the best, even a detailed ledger on positive word of mouth about my brand. And although it made me feel professional and organized and popular, it didn’t ultimately make a difference in my enterprise. I was just soothing myself. Inventing superfluous metrics just to gain a sense of control.
Eventually, though, I began to release my grip of control on my life and just let the joy carry me. Instead of speculating about the past, I created for the future. Instead of being the voice that condemned the darkness, I became that light that illuminated it. And slowly, life started to become more relaxing, more productive, more meaningful and more profitable.
Remember, once you recognize control for the illusion it is, there’s nothing to fear, nothing to prove, nothing to hide and nothing to lose.
Are you trying to control life or allowing it to flow abundantly through you?
For a copy of the list called, “71 Things Customers Don’t Want to Hear You Say,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
“Scott Ginsberg’s employee training on approachability was the absolute perfect fit, and completely exceeded everyone’s expectations, including mine. The feedback we received from our team was that this was hands down the best training they have ever been to. Scott found out what was important to us and gave us several options for training solutions. I would highly recommend him for a variety of industries, and I would happily work with him again!” –Anne Conway, PHR | Corporate Director of Training and Development, | Lodging Hospitality Management
Email to inquire about fees and availability. Watch clips of The Nametag Guy in action here!