Everyone who needs to will be reminded of your infinite value
There was a time when the young, naïve and paranoid version of you wondered to yourself. How did you get here? What are you even doing here? Can you believe you got away with this? Is this a coup or what? Resulting in the final pressure cooker thought of, wow, you better be good. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Happened to me well into my thirties. But there…
With their hands held out like bellboys hoping for a tip.
Watching nametags go viral in real time is a fascinating thing. It’s happened to me hundreds of times over the years, from everything to weddings, conference, bars, offices, street parties and a number of other public events. It all starts with patient zero, yours truly, who is responsible for the initial transmission of the idea. One guy who is silly enough to put on the sticker and risk being…
80% excitement, 20% percent embarrassment
Ripley’s is known as the sprawling collection of curiosities. From shrunken to unusual animals to human beings that hammer nails into their noses, they catalog just about everything you have never thought of. It originally launched as newspaper cartoon in the early nineteen hundreds, but since that time, the franchise has adapted into a wide variety of formats, including radio, television, comic books, a chain of museums, and a…
It’s almost always lightning in a bottle
Brodie writes in his book about the virus of the mind that a meme can be any idea, behavior, practice, symbol or piece of media that gets imitated. Its existence influences events such that more copies of itself get created in other minds. Meaning, memes are small movements. They spread from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, news sources, or face to face interaction. Either one…
Whose blood was as rich with cynicism as with iron
There’s a simple acid test to determine what kind of attitude a potential job candidate has. When the shit hits the fan, do they focus on what they can to do improve their situation, or do they find more excuses to justify their problems? Optimists will typically choose what’s behind door number one. They will reveal a resourceful, abundant, forward thinking and life giving approach with their circumstances. And…
Pushing past the gravitational pull of what isn’t working
Is the reason you began doing this still valid and as important today? Weiss asks this in his book about life balance. It’s a simple and candid question that honors the inevitable changes human beings undergo in life. Challenging us not to hold ourselves hostage to accreted detritus solely out of our sense of obligation or a need for consistency. And so, the sign that we’re always on the…
Free yourself from the tyranny of pessimism
We have a tendency to make things harder on ourselves than is necessary. Mostly through the vehicle of pessimism. Instead of interpreting our troubles as transient, controllable and specific to one situation, we tell ourselves the story that our suffering is our fault and will certainly last forever. Seligman’s research on learned optimism found this story to be the key differentiator between those who flourish and those whose flail….
Between the clashing waves of past and future
Is that worth shredding ourselves into pieces with ruminating bouts of merciless scrutiny? Of course not.
Everything collapses and he lives with an alarming happiness
James tells us in the scriptures: We are merely a vapor like a puff of smoke a wisp of steam from a cooking pot, which is visible for a little while and then vanishes into thin air. As such, why squander what time we do have being miserable? Life is about optimizing for joy, not climbing a ladder. Our goal is to take full advantage of, rearrange…
Tonight the final curtain drops upon my short life’s precious play
If you’re not even around when people discuss your legacy, then what’s all the fuss about? Perhaps it’s time to call legacy for what it really is. Yet another denial of death. People torture themselves day after day trying to create notch after notch in their precious little legacy belt, because they’re afraid of not being remembered when they’re gone. It’s the specter of insignificance. Our complete inability…