Seeing isn’t believing, it’s conceiving
According to the rules of quantum mechanics, any given particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer. Researchers clinically proved that reality does not exist if we are not looking at it. Now, this marvel of nature primarily applies to the atomic scale. But as a thought experiment, let’s consider the interpersonal application of this idea. What if being seen is precisely what brings people into existence?…
There is no us and them, only one universal we
Wearing nametags in foreign countries is an exciting experience. Having traveled around the world to a plethora of cities, it never ceases to amaze me just how easily and quickly a nametag builds bridges to people who don’t speak my language. Forgive my grandiosity, but the sticker always seems to be this icon of peace, gesture of hospitality and a translator in the global dialect of humanity. Because everybody…
Where the wounds are, the gift lies
Camus once wrote that we are just biological matter spinning senselessly on a tiny rock in a corner of an indifferent universe. Which is true, but while our biological conditions are not our fault, they’re still our problem. We all have a responsibility to deal with whatever spell has been cast upon us. Maybe be grateful for it. Maybe even use it to our advantage. Maybe even use it to…
The Twelve Dirty Words of 2020
Carlin’s list of seven dirty words you can never say on television famously received a citation from the federal government. The supreme court upheld that those words were the ones that would infect our soul, curve our spine and keep the country from winning the war. And yet, there are so many other words out there that inflict far more damage than a harmless term like piss. Today we’re…
Because then you would actually have to be good
People object to wearing nametags for a variety of reasons. They feel silly, they want their privacy, it clashes with their clothes, their hair gets caught in it, it offends their obsessive compulsive tendencies, or they simply don’t want strangers using their name in public. My favorite objection came from a cowboy who once approached me on an airport shuttle years ago. He moseyed up and asked what the…
Marking the upward surge of mankind
Savvy investors know that financial markets are driven by two powerful emotions, fear and greed. Fear is the response to threat, and greed is the response to opportunity. Fear seeks to preserve an asset, and greed seeks to expand it. Fascinating economics. But forgetting about the stock market for a moment, consider how these two emotional states apply to the individual. Think about how fear and greed affect the…
We don’t lose bonding, we throw it away
The tricky thing with workaholics is, most of them are talented, successful, intelligent, inspiring and ambitious. And that’s why it’s so easy for other people to overlook their fundamental flaw. They do not form healthy bonds with others. It’s simply not a priority in their lives. Work is the perfect way to keep them away from any real closeness with another human being. Think about any workaholic you’ve ever…
Giving the priceless gift of security
Approachability reduces the distance between people. The word derives from the term apropriare, which means to come nearer to. In our increasingly disconnected world, we should be taking it wherever we can get it. That’s why nametags are so useful. When you don’t know someone’s name, you might be hesitant to interact with them. And if you don’t interact with them, you might never get to know them. And…
They might as well have protested at the dust
If people put half the energy of their protests into actually taking care of themselves, then there would be a disproportionate rise in our collective happiness. It’s simple math. Basic energy economics. When we strain ourselves for something that is a waste of our life and energy, nobody wins. When we invest our time and attention flooding our minds with outrage porn, patting ourselves on the back for being…
Hurl me into the beating heart of humanity
During a recent standup show, one of the comedians made a fascinating point about money. He was complaining about the bus and fantasizing about the day when he would never have to take public transportation again. His punchline was, being rich means you don’t have to deal with people if you don’t want to. Which kind of makes sense. The dominant benefit of riding the bus or the subway…