Proving people wrong is not the sweetest revenge
Here’s a question comes up every once in a while. Have you ever considered not wearing a nametag for a period of time, just to see if it feels any differently? The short answer is, sure. The idea has been considered. Going nametag naked, as it were, would make for fascinating experiment within the experiment. It would no doubt yield some very interesting insights and experiences. But wearing a nametag…
Beholding the mark of the director’s signature
An auteur is someone who applies a highly centralized and subjective control to many aspects of their creative work. They have a distinct style and a thematic preoccupation. Their indelible touch is reflected on every frame, every page, every track, every move, every whatever. And their voice and vision shines through, regardless of outside interference. French filmmakers coined this term the fifties and sixties. Their theory listed three attributes…
The great epiphany, eureka moment and lightning bolt of clarity
One of the ways we can take the pressure off ourselves is by giving up trying to figure out other people. We can be curious and compassionate and make a concerted effort to acknowledge and appreciate people’s many motivations. But while human beings are predictable in the extreme, on an individual day to day basis, most people are incomprehensible cosmic anomalies. And that’s okay. It’s actually quite entertaining. Liberating,…
Lessening our stake in being right
If opinions are not something we are terribly precious about, that’s a huge advantage. Not having to be right gives us agility. Brown’s book on emergent strategy puts it best: The easier being wrong us for us, the faster we can release our viewpoint, and the quicker we can adapt to changing circumstances. Adapting allows us to know and name needs in real time, as opposed to wishing and…
This sounds like a job for boundary man
Have you ever allowed someone else’s behavior to determine how you experience your own day? It can be disastrous. One minute you’re calmly doing your work, enjoying the workday. And then your tornado of a coworker storms into the office and starts venting about his psycho model roommate who stares over his bed at night, and before you know it, your heart is racing and you’re clenching your jaw…
Prolific Software Demo
The beta user feedback on Prolific has been priceless. Thanks a million y’all. The product is already better than it was a month ago. Now, many have asked for a product tour, so I cut this short video to highlight key features and the problems Prolific solves for creative professionals. Enjoy! P.S. Only 24 (of 100) Founding Member spots left. Snag yours today!
Choosing not to believe in the love won’t protect you from it
You need someone who is for you. No matter what you say or reveal to them, they’re on your side and want to help. Even if they disagree with or disapprove of what they hear, they still give you the space to speak your truth out loud, and they hold it with you from a vantage point of unconditional love. Someone who isn’t afraid of your feelings and trusts…
Nothing to gain, nothing to escape, nothing to win, nothing to chase
Powerlessness elicits a nauseous sense of existential dread. But it might also be the most liberating feature of the human condition. Owning our powerlessness, accepting the fact that we cannot offer ourselves or those we love protection from danger and pain, it actually makes us stronger. Whereas a life revolving around trying to control and fix every goddamn person and situation is exhausting. That’s the hallmark of people with…
When all suspicion had been forever laid to rest
Certain people are suspicious of all people. They go out of their to find all sorts of reasons to write others off. And unfortunately, they’re usually right. Confirmation bias is a very powerful thing. When they encircle someone with suspicion, the idea of trust just starts to dissipate within that person. They prove themselves right every time. And so, they just keep soldiering on with fierce independence, never learning…
Introducing a new level of pressure
Recording music in a studio is a fascinating and stressful experience. Having released eleven albums in my career, it’s funny how every time studio day comes, the butterflies still get into formation. Scientifically, it’s because of the observer effect. It states that the act of observation has an effect on the thing being observed. Ask any professional recording artist. When every move you make is put on wax, it…