This might be the coolest thing I’ve ever seen a website do
Sean Murphy, aka “The T-Shirt Guy” and Customer Relationship Development Director at GETS it. We became friends a few weeks ago during The Dana Carvey Incident. Go to his site. And you, just like me, will be instantly magnetized to this bar on the right side of the page. When I first saw it I thought to myself, that’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen. It’s honest….
How do you say ‘approachable’ in Spanish?
She wore a long, black cape and a colorful hat. Stunning. Beautiful. Sexy. And on the back of her garb read the word Viva! I smiled and she smiled back. Then she gracefully danced away. Two seconds later, I saw another one. Then another! Then another! And out of nowhere, four identical women banded together in formation and walked down the main street of downtown Puerto Vallarta like a…
Adventures of the The Nametagged Nurses and Their Magical Drugs
Thanks to the good people at NBC who continue to push back my Today Show appearance; I’ve been experiencing some minor stomach issues. And by “minor” I mean “chronic pain everyday for three months.” So this week I went into Barnes Jewish Hospital for a minor procedure. First, a nurse prepped me with an IV and connected me to various beeping boxes. When she saw my tattoo under my…
Consistency Is Far Greater Than Rare Moments of Greatness
You just never know. When you answer a phone call from an unknown number…When you engage in a conversation with a guest at your office…When you greet a potential customer who walks into your store…When you make small talk with a stranger you’ve just been introduced to…When you respond to a random email from a friend of a friend of a friend… You just never know. And because of…
HELLO, my name is Podcast – Episode 3: The Sweetest Sound in the World
So far this week, there’s been a lot of buzz about WOMMA’s Basic Training Conference; which makes sense since they’re the Word of Mouth Marketing Association! But while I attended (and spoke at) the event, my mind kept returning to an idea that I knew I wanted to come back and address: names. Of course, each person attending the event wore a nametag. Some people wore two. (And I…
I didn’t know Dana Carvey worked at Disneyworld!
Halfway through the WOMMA Basic Training Conference I received a strange voicemail on my cell from a (407) area code. Hmmm. Must be someone in Orlando, I figured. The reception was fuzzy and choppy, so this was all I heard: “Scott… name … Eddie Crandall … WOMMMA …. African … nametag …Dana Carvey… call back … meet in person …” What the hell?! I called the number back. “Yeah,…
Highlights from the 2006 WOMMA Basic Training Conference
It’s the Monday after WOMMA’s first annual Basic Training Conference in Disneyworld. I think I’m still recovering. But, that only means it was a great weekend! Andy Sernovitz and his team did an awesome job. So for those of you who missed out, here’s a brief overview: I always seem to make a friend on the plane… “Group 3, you are now ready to board.” That’s me! I walked…
Read Scott’s feature article in the Associated Press!
ASAP is AP’s new multimedia service featuring original content designed to appeal to under-35-year-old readers, a coveted but elusive audience, and to connect with them – on their terms. (Click the article’s banner to see a high quality version. It’s an awesome graphic by P. Hamline – too bad it’s no longer available on asap’s site!) And check out the eagerly anticipated feature called Hi my name is…written all…
Nice to meet you! I’ve heard a lot about you…
This comment tends to make people feel uncomfortable. Or curious. Or suspicious. Because when you’re introduced to someone new and he or she says, “Oh I’ve heard a lot about you…” you’re probably thinking to yourself: What does this stranger know about me? Is she just saying that to be polite? If not, how did she find these things out? Did Steve tell her? And if he did, was…
If I were a single, shy guy, this is what I’d want to hear
Today I read the following advice column in the Miami Herald by Dr. Andrea Corn called 30-something guy chases women – away: Q: I don’t have a problem interacting with the opposite sex where I work. However, in social settings my friends tell me women think I’m unapproachable. What advice can you offer this 30-something male? A: Smiling, making eye contact and sounding warm and engaging all demonstrate interest…