Are You Offering Content Or Enabling Contact?
People can get information anywhere, anytime, immediately, for free. But that’s the thing. We don’t need more access to information – we need more access to each other. IN SHORT: Contact is the new content. Which doesn’t make information irrelevant. But contact offers an unquantifiable humanness that content can’t provide. And if your brand fails to deliver that interaction in addition to the information people need, customers will quickly…
Is Your Love Worth Finding?
Everybody wants to be found. People. Ideas. Brands. Organizations. They want customers to stumble upon, obsess over, fall in love with, become addicted to and tell their friends about them. But this isn’t just a business need – it’s a human need. To be found is to be noticed. To be found is to be heard. To be found is to be seen. To be seen is to matter….
How to Take a Chance on Yourself
Gambling is for fools. It wastes your time. It burns your money. It corrupts your thinking. As Robert DeNiro said in Casino, “The more they play, the more they lose. In the end, the casino gets it all.” HOWEVER: Some things are worth taking a chance on. Namely, you. Here are a few things you might keep in mind: 1. Desire is not an occupation. The first word to…
Adventures in Nametagging: Working Out, Allergies and Broaches
“Acts of friendliness in moments of anonymity.” That’s why I wear a nametag: To invite people to join me, to remind the world that face to face is making a comeback and to create spontaneous moments of authentic human interaction infused with a spirit of humor, playfulness and connection. And if a picture is worth a thousand words, a nametag is worth a thousand stories. Here are my most…
Can I Get a Witness?
During a recent sermon, my mentor shared the following insight: “Most of what we do has no witness. But it is the sum of our witnesses that creates the picture of who we are.” That’s when it occurred to me: Without a witness, your life goes unnoticed. Without a witness, your life is a series of small incidents. Without a witness, your life gets redefined as something untrue. Without…
6 Steps to a More Fearful You
Fearless people scare me. It’s one thing to have confidence. It’s one thing to believe in yourself. But you’re never scared of anything, there’s something wrong. Fear is a healthy, human reality. It’s an essential part of the life experience. And sometimes you have to scare yourself for the right reasons. But if you’re trying to scrub your world clean of it, you’ll never reach your full potential. HERE’S…
To Those Who Would
The more successful you become, the more torpedoes will be shot at you. But love is the best comeback. And if you’re willing to be unfair with your heart, it’s amazing what you can accomplish. Here’s how you can use it: To those who try to steal your joy, be happy anyway. To those who try to edit your truth, be yourself anyway. To those who try to thwart…
Watch Scott Ginsberg’s Entire Keynote Speech on Personal Branding
LET ME ASK YA THIS… What are you known for knowing? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “100 Self-Consultative Questions,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Publisher, Artist, Mentor [email protected] “I usually refuse to pay for mentoring. But after Scott’s first brain rental session, the fact that I…
Adventures in Nametagging: Thieves, Yogis and Silver Suits
“Acts of friendliness in moments of anonymity.” That’s why I wear a nametag: To invite people to join me, to remind the world that face to face is making a comeback and to create spontaneous moments of authentic human interaction infused with a spirit of humor, playfulness and connection. And if a picture is worth a thousand words, a nametag is worth a thousand stories. Here are my most…
The Brittany Barton Guide to Filling the Room
Oscar Wilde once said, “Some people cause happiness wherever they go, while others cause happiness whenever they go.” Which type of person are you? IT ALL DEPENDS: When you walk into a room, what do you fill it with? Filling the room is about choosing how you want to show up. Filling the room is about establishing an emotional identity. Filling the room is about leaving the room better…