Are You Diversifying Your Creative Approach?
Creativity isn’t hard. It’s simply a matter finding the best path for us. We can ingest substances that lower our inhibitions, enhance our creative flair and broaden our minds. We can surround ourselves with creative, why-not-people whose artistic energies echo into our world. We can expose ourselves to inspiring materials that disturb us to the point that we have no choice but to start creating something of our own….
Why Do I Resent Your Success?
Every time I read an article about someone in my field doing something amazing, my heart always ends up in conflict with itself. The fundamentally affirmative part of me encourages people’s success to inspire my own productivity: Good for you. Right on, man. I am genuinely delighted for your success, thrilled by your accomplishments and fueled by your energy. In fact, I’m going to use your life as a…
The Cost of Following Your Dreams
The hard part about hiring yourself is, every paycheck is different. Some are big, some are small, and in lean times, some are not existent. But we asked for this. It’s all part of the job description. The minute we go out on our own, we forego financial stability. We trade in consistent and predictable compensation for the freedom to follow our dreams without looking over our shoulder. And…
What Happens Without Accountability
The hard part about working alone is the lack of accountability. With the exception of our clients, there’s nobody to say when we’re toast. Nobody to hold our feet to the fire. Nobody to care if we don’t execute. Nobody to yell if we stroll in to work at eleven. Nobody to bust our chops when sales decline. Nobody to give feedback on a poor performance. Nobody to offer…
Welcome to Entrepreneurial Purgatory
Tom Petty said that waiting is the hardest part. That everyday, we see one more card, take it on faith and take it to the heart. And even though it doesn’t feel like heaven right now, we can’t let it get to us, and we can’t let it kill us. Good point. But what happens when waiting feels like the only part? What happens when every day fells like…
The Worship of Incompleteness
Turn on the television for five minutes, and you’ll observe the barrage of celebrity divorces, canceled programming, corporate failures, broken systems, massive layoffs, abandoned projects, public resignations and product recalls. Why? Because our society worships incompleteness. First, because we’re not finishers. That’s too much pressure. We’d rather have ideas than actually execute them. We’d rather talk a big game than actually play one. Otherwise we might actually have to…
Scott Ginsberg’s Nametaglines, Volume 1
LET ME ASK YA THIS… What’s your favorite quotation? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “153 Quotations to Inspire Your Success,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Writing, Publishing, Performing, Consulting [email protected] HELLO, my name is Host! Did you know you could hire Scott as your emcee, mobile host, roving…
The Culture of Gone
It shouldn’t be this easy to look this good. But that’s the state of our society. Thanks to online anonymity, civility is gone. And since nobody expects manners, sometimes all we have to do is act polite and courteous with people. Thanks to reality television, talent is gone. And since nobody expects ability, sometimes all we have to do is be really good for people. Thanks to social tagging,…
The Nametag Manifesto — Chapter 12: The End of Selfishness
[ View the infographic! ] “Everyone should wear nametags, all the time, everywhere, forever.” That’s my thesis, philosophy, dangerous idea and theory of the universe. My name is Scott, and I’ve been wearing a nametag for past four thousand days. And after traveling to hundreds of cities, a dozen countries, four continents, meeting tens of thousands of people, constant experimentation and observation, building a enterprise and writing a dozen…
Riding a Bicycle Downhill Doesn’t Mean Your Legs Are Strong
Recessions force us to decide if we’re a necessity. That’s a painful conversation to have. Nobody enjoys entertaining the prospect of irrelevancy. But when the shit hits the economic fan, we owe it to ourselves – and to our enterprise – to honestly assess the value we provide. To courageously listen if the intersection of our personal obsession and the marketplace need is worth paying money for. What sucks…