Impossible to Keep Your Name a Secret
It’s easy to do right thing when people are watching. But keeping a promise when you could have gotten away with breaking it, taking the blame when you could have gotten away with shifting it, and telling the truth when you could have gotten away with hiding it? That’s class. Gearbox, a software developer, is one of the rare companies that painstakingly maps out detailed audio soundtracks to enhance…
Little Old You, Doing Everything
As an entrepreneur, it’s always cheaper to hire yourself. The only problem is, when you hire yourself to do the work, there’s nobody left to get new clients, nobody left to do marketing and networking, nobody left to figure out strategy, nobody left to raise money and nobody left to grow the business. Unlike a traditional company, your enterprise isn’t boosted by a powerful machine working every angle. It’s…
Imprint Customers With Your Idea
Games make dreams come true. They give people a powerful and vicarious life. They let them do what they’ve always wanted to do, but were too afraid to try. And they create an interactive experience that doesn’t try to persuade them of anything, but rather, creates a playroom that rewards and validates users. On the business side of things, if a game can build a critical mass of users…
Go Public Early and Often
I’m a firm believer in the art of hiding the art. Meeting people where they are, taking them back in time, helping clients forget they’re clients and engaging people a way that they lose track of time and disappear from the world in a puff of love smoke. But the minute customers start struggling with the ambiguity of the situation, feeling unsure of the relationship roles and questioning your…
Just Be Completely Honest When Most People Would Say Nothing
The truth is powerful because nobody expects it. In a world where most people have been duped, fooled, conned, scammed, spammed and screwed over too many times, if you can just be completely honest where most people would say nothing, communicate more than people think is needed, give more than people think is fair and care more than people think is expected, you will not be forgotten. What if,…
Work Isn’t Our Plight, It’s Our Purpose
Work is more than a job. It’s a daily routine that ensures our days have a cadence and rhythm of movement. It’s a center of belonging where we connect to the collective human heart. It’s a contribution to the world where we become productive members of society. It’s the prime means to express our sense of who we are. It’s an outlet for coming alive through the pursuit of…
Everything Has the Potential to be Interesting
Interesting ideas are the cornerstone of progress. Frankly, if the idea isn’t interesting, we’re not interested. Boring stuff never goes anywhere. It just sits there and laps up time, money and attention, traveling in a circle, never arriving at its destination, never quite succeeding, never quite failing. And when innovation is the code, when outright invention is the future, there’s a certain responsibility to take the boring ideas, grab…
Beating Customers to the Retail Punch
Paying retail is so last century. Now that customers have instant and infinite access to flash buying, social shopping, online couponing, special incentives, daily deals, free shipping, loyalty programs, promo codes, online auctions, digital classifieds and hyperlocal discounts, there’s no reason not to find every advantage, and take it. And companies can grumble all they want about the customer expectation of collective bargaining, but if they really wanted to…
Every Customer is the Most Popular Girl in Highschool
Every customer is the most popular girl in high school. She’s smart, she’s pretty, she’s pursued relentlessly, she has high standards, she has low patience, she has a busy schedule, she has a voice, she has a camera, she has a platform, she has an audience, she has serious influence over her friends and she’s used to getting what she wants, when she wants it, the way she wants…
Blogs Aren’t Going Anywhere
Blogging is only dead if you want it to be. Personally, I think it’s more alive than ever before. In fact, I believe blogs work for a number reasons. Blogs work because they drip. It’s the continuum of output that has volume and gravity and narrative, all of which will carry your name to a wider pool potential work. What did you write today? Blogs work because they heal….