Scott Ginsberg, “Home is the Place,” Live at The Scottany Wedding (8.30.13)
Home is the place where my soul rests Where I am rooted and not diluted Where I feel respect Home where I’m met with accepting eyes Where I am welcomed with wanting arms Where I let the blood dry Home is the place that remembers me Where all the mirrors undress the fears Where I feel pretty Home where I’m Where I meet new sins And the old ones…
What If The Market Targeted You?
When I started my company, I didn’t have a logo. My only priority was getting my book into people’s hands, getting my message into people’s hearts and getting my name into people’s heads. Everything else was secondary. Including design. But about a year into my career, I noticed something pretty interesting. My brand identity started taking on a life of its own. Any time my book title, website address,…
Let Generosity Spring Up And Rise Again
I used to work at a youth leadership camp. Teenagers from all around the world would gather in Geneva, bunk up with complete strangers and spend two weeks hiking, canyoning, running team exercises, learning problem solving skills and taking workshops on personal development. Pretty cool stuff. Made the summer camp I went to look like a chemistry class. I remember my first year there. The camp director explained that…
We’re Not Supposed To Love One Thing
My business was my first love. It was the first thing I gave everything to, and the first thing that gave everything to me. The two of us were absolutely faithful to each other. We were inseparable. You couldn’t tell where the company ended and I began. Which was professionally helpful, but psychologically hazardous. Because as with any first love, our flame slowly started to fade. I was changing….
Selfish When You Create, Generous When You Share
When it comes to writing, I’ve always been as selfish as possible. With the production, I write what I want, when I want and how I want. With the process, I don’t do drafts, I don’t use editors and I’m not interested in constructive feedback. And with the positioning, I never think about my ideal reader, I don’t care what will work in the marketplace and I’m not worried…
Scott Ginsberg, “Sweet Somethings,” Live at The Scottany Wedding (8.30.13)
Pay ourselves in hope till silver crosses our palms Take this poverty of vow Squinting at the mirror just to see if it’s safe It’s the stain that won’t wash out Sweet, sweet somethings I Repeat on this salty night Sweet, sweet somethings I Repeat on this salty night Hanging all our fortunes not on chance Making friends before we make requests And we will go and eat the…
Learning To Love What’s Good For You
When you’re genetically wired for hard work, the hardest thing to do is nothing. The opposite of ambition. The antithesis of labor. Idleness. Blech. But just like in yoga––where the posture you hate the most is the posture you need the most––I figured doing nothing was the right move. But not before doing a little research. Sabbatical comes from the word sabbath, meaning day of rest. Figured. But the…
You Don’t Need More You
Introspection has interesting economics. It’s our superpower for developing independent critical thinking skills, understanding ourselves better and deciding where we need to grow. But after a while, introspection reaches a point of diminishing returns. And we end up sitting in a corner perfecting ourselves, trapped in our own heads,bouncing our thoughts off a thin wall,playing a never-ending game of inside baseball. Sounds like a good time to stop introspecting and start…
We Can’t Run From Who We Are
I just watched this video of a toddler discovering his shadow for first time. Awwwwww. I nearly choked by his adorableness. But then, my hamster wheel started turning. With million views, thousands of likes, hundreds of comments and dozens of articles written about this viral video, I knew there had to be a deeper layer of meaning. The cute factor may be hard to resist, but we can’t deny that…
Negativity Is The Easy Way Out
I come from a long line of positivity beacons. Fundamentally affirmative personalities who respond to others with of constant chorus of yeses. Relentless encouragers whose immediate optimism makes the people around them think to themselves, I believe in this, I can do this, I’m ready to try this. That’s why it’s so hard for me to wrap my head around negativity. It doesn’t compute with my biology. When I…