By taking action, we reduce the intensity of the problem
When our yoga room is at full capacity, we practice mat to mat. And it’s awfully tight. Students have to be especially respectful of other people’s space, property and energy. Otherwise it can make for a distracted, frustrating and claustrophobic class. I was recently practicing within inches of another yogi, when it came time for the standing series. As usual, the instructor suggested we stagger horizontally, so as not…
Idle dreamers who give creative visionaries a bad name
Attempting only what has been proven creates a life of imitation. Somebody whose work is an echo of an echo of an echo. The real work is refusing to follow the person who went before you. Doing your art without a map, accepting moments of profound disorientation along the way, but trusting that you’ll arrive at a place that’s yours and yours alone. When I went into the studio…
We bartered away our capacity to aspire
The industrial revolution trained our culture to believe that utility was the only thing that counted. That dreams, reflections and feelings were considered to be lost production. And that the workplace was no place to show up and invest in the realization of our desires. If something wasn’t concrete and measurable and practical and functional, it was sent to the gallows. End of story. This mindset, however, did enable our culture…
The unedited life is the one worth living
The more we expect from technology, the less we expect on each other. The further we disappear down the digital rabbit hole, the more we lose touch with what is essential about being a person. And so, each of us needs to make a special effort to deepen our direct participation with the world. To get out from behind the screen and engage in real interactions with real people…
Prosecute myself for crimes past
When I think back to all the nonsense I spent so long giving a shit about, all the redundant and petty ego vortexes that frittered away my time and money and energy, it’s hard not to become frustrated. It’s hard not to prosecute myself for crimes past. I recently stumbled across an invoice from a decade ago. It was the bill from my web development company, who charged me…
Forging new frontiers of originality
Saying no is the fundamental way we have of differentiating ourselves. We are defined by what we decline. And so, I work very hard at saying, let somebody else play that game. It’s a crucial part of my originality filter. Rejecting the low hanging fruit opportunities so that I can gravitate toward projects and activities where the amount of craft I have to bring is higher. Where I can…
The lights are low, come see these gifts I’ve made for you
Carlin was frequently asked by journalists if his comedy was meant to get people thinking. But being the intellectual and artist and performer that he was, he said that what he wanted people to know was that he was thinking. To show off that he had brought himself to a cleverer, smarter spot than they had. As if to say, can’t you see this? Can’t you see? That’s why people loved…
Desperately trying to protect the narrative
There’s part of us that believes the very act of trying will contaminate the result. That the harder we chase after what we want, the more it will deny and elude us. And so, we just sit back and relax and allow it to be organic and land softly on our shoulder. But in many cases, that’s just cop out. A cozy little story we enjoy telling ourselves because it…
What to eliminate versus what to create
We all have the same dream. To be engaged in activities we would rather continue than stop. To spend little time spent in situations we would wish to escape. To be in a position to organize our life around our highest aspirations and deepest values. And yet, most of our goals toward that dream fail because of a misappropriation of energy. Instead of focusing our efforts on creating what…
Sufficient structure to contain the complexity
Most creative projects are only complex logistically, not spiritually. Yes, there are countless details and documents and calendars and tasks and challenges and expectations to manage. And that’s no easy task. But the good news is, if you’re crystal clear on who you are and what you want, and if you’re willing to trust smart people to show up and support your vision with their brilliance, that will be…