Make your enthusiasms happy
Here’s a terrific passage from an old yoga journal. Intuition is the only reliable equipment we have for navigating in this flawed phenomenal universe of ours. Which doesn’t mean it’s a perfect tool, but it’s certainly a knife that’s worth sharpening. To do so, all it requires is some intention and attention. Reading books, taking online courses and attending weekend seminars probably won’t hurt, but there’s no need to break…
The fertile soil of love and acceptance
The hardest and most demanding response to feedback is to say nothing. To sit into the silence of empty space. To let what people say have an impact on us. Even if we don’t agree with it. As my therapist used to say Let the pearl sink. Allow things to profoundly penetrate you. It’s harder than it sounds. Sitting in silent acceptance of other people’s experience of our behavior?…
Saying no won’t tilt the world on its axis
Many people don’t have the force of character to say no. They are not practical about what their energies allow them to undertake. And they reflexively say yes to people’s requests without paying attention to the hesitation they feel within themselves. In short, they participate silently in unacceptable situations. Sound familiar? That was certainly me for many years. The lifelong journey of setting and maintaining personal boundaries hadn’t begun…
My elite concession to myself
Here’s an interesting paradox. One of the key ways human beings add meaning to our lives by entering into new relationships, commitments and obligations. And yet, most of the stress we experience comes from poorly managed commitments. How do we draw the line? With intention. Take the example of a family vacation. An annual situation in which our normal, healthy routines are thrown out of whack by people who know…
Stretch our hearts wide enough to embrace paradox
Rand’s novel about the greatest architect in history makes a profound point about integrity. Not only in reference to the structures of buildings, but also the hearts of men. Roark claimed that an honest building, like an honest man, had to be one piece and one faith; what constituted the life source. And if one small part committed treason to that idea, the thing or the creature was dead. The good,…
And now for a benediction of hope
New behaviors can feel weird at first. It’s like hiking a trail that has no defined path, tons of stray branches, sharp rocks and spider webs that stick to your face. Blech. But the beautiful thing about nature is, it doesn’t need a reminder to never give up. Look around. Nature is engaged in an infinite process of creation. It doesn’t need our help, only our patience and trust. …
Like a steamroller crunching over a dead animal along the road
The job market tricks us through technology. Like when we’re unemployed and we apply for a hundred positions in a single day. Our brain tells us that we have executed a task that should produce a result. But in reality, it only took forty minutes of our time. And we never even had to leave the house to do it. It’s not like we hit the streets briefcase in…
His idiosyncrasies are important to nobody
Were you born with a strong desire to asset your individuality? Is it your nature to rebel against the mindless, mainstream conventionality? Do you give your mind license to daydream in some unorthodox directions? Are you someone who is oppositional in nature and moved by chasing freedom? And do you develop hives when your ability to manifest your individuality is thwarted and frustrated by the constraints of society? Welcome…
We respect the journey that we are on
Ries coined his infamous definition of an entrepreneur in beautifully broad terms. He described it as: Anyone who creates something of value for people, under conditions of extreme uncertainty. You don’t have to be a scooter riding, cappuccino drinking, hoodie wearing, french bulldog owning tech bro to be an entrepreneur, or even think like one. Each one of us can cultivate a greater comfort level with uncertainty. Because the reality is,…
Time does march on, and we are part of the parade
The madness of the creative process is, your entire sense of time gets warped. Because while you’re making something, it takes up your whole life and body and mind. But then, when you finally put that thing out into the world, it feels so small. It gets compared to every other thing that’s ever been made. And it lives as just one little tile in an infinite mosaic. Not…