Win A Free Copy Of Nametagscott’s New Book When You Buy Jeffrey Gitomer’s 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling

Today, my mentor’s new book comes out.

It’s called Jeffrey Gitomer’s 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling.

And if you buy it on Amazon today, you’ll get a ton of free stuff from Jeffrey and forty other top business leaders, motivators, authors, and educators––including me! 

Over the past twenty years, Jeffrey has established himself as a global authority on sales and customer loyalty, and one of the most widely read business authors of all time. His books have appeared on best seller lists more than 850 times, and have sold millions of copies worldwide. 

These 21.5 Laws are the rock foundation of selling. They may be invisible but they are undeniable and unbreakable. If you’re just getting started in selling, you will find the laws invaluable. Whether or not you learn them and follow them will make or break your career. If you’ve been in sales for a while, you will find yourself saying, “I haven’t been doing that.” “I knew that! How did I forget?” 

When we break the Laws we pay the price. Our sales suffer. Our bank account takes a hit. It’s an effort to get out of bed and make a sales call, to do our best work — work that is aligned with the Laws. Use Jeffrey’s Laws of Selling to recharge your enthusiasm and redirect your actions back to what really works.

By the book today on Amazon, send your receipt to [email protected] and you win! You will receive hundreds of dollars worth of downloadable e-books, white papers, articles, videos, reports, and chapters of best selling books being offered by today’s top sales, marketing, publishing, communications, public relations, and business growth leaders. Including this book from me:

Nametagology: 156 Rants, Riffs and Real World Strategies On Just About Everything

It’s that simple, and that valuable. 

To buy the book now, click here.


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Author. Speaker. Strategist. Songwriter. Filmmaker. Inventor. Gameshow Host. World Record Holder. I also wear a nametag 24-7. Even to bed.
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