It’s true that language is a powerful lever for changing
the world around us.
But it’s also true that words can be twisted to match any
desire we have, and interpreted to justify any action we take.
In fact, many of
our greatest revelations occur in speechless moments when we perceive things
greater and beyond the sum total of all words.
That’s one of the great joys of
songwriting. People feel our music before they listen to it.
Unlike prose or
poetry or other types of one dimensional compositions, our medium of song isn’t
under as much pressure to make sense or prove anything or even mean anything.
Because it has layers. It relies on the rhythm and melody to do most of the
heavy emotional lifting. That’s where the real magic comes from. The words are
almost pedestrian at that point.
Hell, the best songwriter in rock history
famously used the wordscrambled eggsas his working title to hold the music and phrasing in place until he found a
suitable replacement. And once he substituted it with the wordyesterday, it became the most covered
song of all time.
Think of it this way. Ever realized that you have been
singing the wrong words to a popular song your whole life?
Once you learned the
correct lyric, did you change the way you sang it?
Of course not. Because all that
mattered was how the song made you feel while you sang it.
Remember, words are
chewed gum. Don’t allow yourself to get trapped in a language with too little
Release the grip of neurons on all your small thoughts. And excuse
me while I kiss this guy.
Do you have the strength and the love to sit in the silence that goes beyond words?
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
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