People Like Funny Shirts, But They Won’t Wear Them

A little dancing smile of satisfaction. Great passage from one of the few non-fiction authors  I still read regularly. 

Every arrow points to the family. Says Carolla, almost daily. I couldn’t agree more. Every problem our society has can be traced back to the same, simple thing.

Hang around long enough and you outlive the critics. Bob Lefsetz writes one of the few email newsletters worth reading, sharing and saving. Great piece on The Piano Man.

It’s hard to talk about how the dirt feels about
the shovel
. That’s what Bob Dylan told Rolling Stone when they asked about his songwriting process. Such a bad ass.

If you design something useful, you’re ninety percent of the
way there.
 My coworker Ryan Fleming said this during a recent presentation to some art school students. Nice one.

Make good art on bad days. If you haven’t watched Neil Gaiman’s commencement speech yet, it’s amazing. This sentence pretty much says it all. 

Missing the biological boat. Editorial cartoonist Tim Kreider wrote this article a few years back. I wish I would have read it then. Wow.

Nature doesn’t take things personally. During a conversation about cramping up during yoga class, my friend Tony made this comment. Too true.

People like funny shirts, but they won’t wear them. My boss said this during a brainstorming session. It made me happy.

There’s no right or wrong because it’s all mine. Possibly the most inspiring speech I’ve ever heard. Dave Grohl on the value of voice.


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Author. Speaker. Strategist. Songwriter. Filmmaker. Inventor. Gameshow Host. World Record Holder. I also wear a nametag 24-7. Even to bed.
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