The weird thing about the web is, nothing happens if we try.
Only when our guard is down, when our intentions are neutral
and when we’re operating out of our purest, most instinctual nature, do we see
the greatest results.
year, I wrote my manifesto.
never worked harder on anything in my life. From researching to drafting to
writing to editing to marketing, the amount of sweat that went into that project dwarfed
anything I’d done before.
when it was done, I couldn’t have been prouder. The project challenged my
creativity as a human, exploded my growth as a writer and reconnected me to my
idealistic roots that had long since been buried under the burden of business
Good for me, I thought.
I decided to publish it.
for money. Not for attention. Not to prove anything. And not to make my way to
the top of some bullshit bestseller list.
to my delight, the manifesto blew up. It gained tons of traction, got insane
amounts of traffic and even won a few awards. Apparently, more than any other
book, speech, video or interview I’d published in the past, there was something
about this particular piece of work that hit a nerve.
is interesting to me.
if I would have tried, it wouldn’t have happened.