A system you have inherited, a self you have initiated
The word culture literally means the tilling of the land. And so, from the anthropological view, culture is the way we cultivate the ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge, and transmit them from one generation to the other. It’s the ultimate food for thought and the basis for society’s ongoing discussion with ourselves as to how we think we should be. As the saying goes, without culture, we are nothing. And yet,…
You’re angry at the world for lying to you
Some people actually believe that every joy must be equalized by a setback. Their cosmic scorecard must always be balanced. And to inoculate themselves against not feeling too bad, they make sure never to feel too good. Because surely, right around the corner is something that’s going to be the end of everything. The problem with this posture, aside from being exhausting to be around, is the damaging effect…
It’s not a sticker, it’s a steeple
Buber’s groundbreaking philosophy of dialogue says that when two people relate to each other authentically and humanly, god is the electricity that surges between them. He called this the melting of the between, the shared unity of being. The sacred space that can only be created through encounter, where the divine pervades and interpenetrates. According to his theory, god is not some keeper of the black book of transgressions….
Exalt what is and adore that it returns
Hyde’s research on the gifting process explains that gratitude is the labor undertaken by the soul to effect the transformation after a gift is received. Meaning, when lady fortune comes to us with both hands full, and we stand in the stream where surplus wealth flows toward need, we close our eyes, breathe it in and give thanks. This peaceful feeling of thankful agreement with existence is how we…
When you see me, you bring me into existence
You would think wearing a nametag everyday would lose its charm quickly. But after nearly twenty years, this simply social experiment has only grown more fun and more meaningful. Like when the barista actually makes eye contact and greets me by name with her real smile on her face. Or when a stranger on the hiking trail says hello, pats me on the shoulder and continues walking up the…
We assume anybody wants what we have
Evangelizing is when we take something that worked for us and insist that it will work for someone else. And the problem with this exchange is, our enthusiasm outmaneuvers our emotional intelligence. We fail to check in with the other person to see if they actually need any help in the first place, or if our help will even be useful to them. Like when the random unemployed hipster…
The simpler the path to your dreams will be
How are you deepening your capacity to make yourself do things you don’t feel like doing? If you can muster and master this one attribute, packing a discipline forged of steel, you will blow the ceiling off of anything even resembling a limitation. Because let’s face it. Nobody ever feels like doing anything. With the exception of having sex and eating lunch, the majority of adult life is doing…
We will not feel complete until we give a gift
The act of sacrifice simply changes the identity of our offering, it doesn’t inoculate us against failure and rejection. Just because we dutifully slave away over something and deliver it to someone with confidence and care, that doesn’t necessarily guarantee a response. Nor does it push our names to the front of the line in their heart. Truth is, we have limited control over how people perceive our intentions…
The more truly we consulted our own powers
If you’re worried that with success will come an unpleasant array of new responsibilities and challenges, you’re right. If you’re anxious that getting to the next level of anything means the heights of your actions will call upon the depths of your will, you’re right. But. If you trust that the rising tide of life will lift all boats, including yours, you’re also right. If you have faith that…
This condition is not a terrible retribution for our sins
Every time we get sick, it’s the worst possible time. Whether we have family visiting from out of town, a fourth round job interview or a big presentation for the entire management team, there is never a good time to feel bad. And so, our job is to use the powers of creativity and acceptance and optimism to navigate the pain. To be sensitive to points in our life…