The problem with the past is, it has no imagination
Arendt wrote that each of us stands our ground between the clashing waves of past and future. This is a contentious cusp in which we find ourselves. Because if everywhere we go, we drag our past behind us like a turd on a stick, then we never take the chilling but necessary next step into the future. That’s the whole problem with the past. There’s just so damn much…
Portfolios accumulate by choice, not by chance
In the moment, it’s tempting to dwell on our shortcomings and mistakes. To allow the gaggle of hungry ghosts to taunt us with memories of our failures. But when it comes to our complete body of work, meaning, everything we create, contribute, affect and impact in our lifetime, it’s important that we take the long view. Because even if certain individual efforts appear to have less value than others,…
We give ourselves permission to never start
The interesting thing about a snowball is, the bigger it gets, the more internal cohesiveness and collective gravity and apparent momentum it possesses. And once that icy little bugger gets going, the experiment itself becomes smarter than its creator. It begins to take on a life of its own. Steering itself onto a new and better course than originally planned. Growing into something we never could have imagined. What’s difficult, of…
If we can’t live with not knowing more
There is no use begrudging the world for not revealing everything to us according to our precious little timetable. All we can do is forgive reality for being what it is. One of the key ways we do so is by replacing obsessive thinking with healthier responses. Actions that are life giving. Cameron reveals in her book about prosperous hearts that wherever there is ambiguity or uncertainty, there is room for…
The last exhalation of the night still lay upon the land
Breath is the simplest vehicle of transcendence. It literally ends the trance, as the word indicates, because conscious breathing stops our racing mind and alerts our body to the fact that we want to be calmer. Especially when we practice inhaling and exhaling through our nose. This process elongates and slows down our respiration. It helps us take fuller, deeper breaths that oxygenate our lungs to their full capacity. …
Never assume people know how they are imposing on you
Boundaries are, at their very core, an elevated expression of love. To self and other. When we express obedience to our letter of inner law, putting every choice its proper place in the economy of our version of a fulfilling life, then we are living from heart center. But when we don’t set boundaries, we are only enabling people. Ourselves included. We are stepping away from our highest good…
May they come riding upon the scorching earth
Entrepreneurs, those of us who undertake the risky pursuit of opportunity beyond our controlled resources, exist on something known as the experimentation execution continuum. We achieve our success by seamlessly moving from one project to another, creating of a unique portfolio of trials, errors, iterations and successes, ideally with little or no loss of enthusiasm along the way. This continuum can be profoundly scary and lonely and disorienting. It…
Take the chance to dance with the universe
Eskelinen is an artist who builds kinetic and mechanical sculptures. He describes his work as experimental, wooden, moving, contemporary art. One of his most notable pieces is a wonderfully complicated hugging machine. It literally squeezes you right back when it is embraced. Simply stand on a platform, grasp the handles, and lean into the hug. The mechanism causes a pair of wooden articulated arms to return the favor. And the best part…
The path you were always intended to walk
Campbell claimed the hero is simply the one who comes to know. The individual who undergoes a series of transfigurations, through which the only mystery he seeks to understand is himself. To gain a store of proper perspective, however, we must first gain a sense of personal trajectory. We must treat our life like the journey it is. Taking a little dramatic license, owning our role as the hero of…
Give me everything but all the time in the world
We assume that having more time will set our creativity free. That once we are gifted with an infinite clock, then we will finally be able to tackle the project we have been putting off for so long. But what if our need for more time was just another convenient excuse we used to take ourselves off the hook from executing? Look around, nobody has enough time to do…