Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 15 — Useful Helplessness
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # Helplessness is useful. It motivates our choice to contribute in a meaningful way we otherwise wouldn’t have considered. Companies are laying off employees by the millions right now. It feels like…
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 14 — Reconciling Disruption
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # Sometimes the architecture of the world will start changing before our very eyes. Initially, when something like this goes down, the change is confusing and scary and lonely and disorientating. It…
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 13 — Star Searching
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # In any kind of search, whether it’s professional, personal, spiritual or otherwise, one thing is for sure. It will take longer than we’d like it to. Without that baseline assumption, without…
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 12 — Avoiding Madness
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # If you’ve spent significant amounts of sacred time communing with your inner life and connecting with the outer universe, dealing with change will come easier to you. It will feel more…
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 11 — Resenting Change
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # Cynics love to complain about how people never change. And yet, if you look around, it’s actually quite the opposite. People only change. That’s all we do. Hell, human skin cells…
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 10 — Positive Greed
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # Savvy investors know that financial markets are driven by two powerful emotions, fear and greed. Fear is the response to threat, and greed is the response to opportunity. Fear seeks to preserve…
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 09 — Hacking Routine
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # Imagination is freedom. It’s not only the force we use to transcend reality, but it’s also the indispensable tool for combatting the demolition of it. Anytime the natural order of our…
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 08 — Doubt Clouds
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # Campbell’s monolith includes a phase called the belly of the beast. It’s that formative time in which the hero doubts themselves and wishes the journey had never begun. Skywalker famously gets…
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 07 — Pacing Ourselves
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # It’s empowering to know that we are the architects of any changes in our life. The fact that transition is a workshop to create a more rewarding existence is a wonderful thing….
Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes, Day 06 — Extreme Resilience
Change is hard for all of us, myself included. In this new series, I’ll be sharing daily mediations on transition, change, reinvention. Look out all you rock and rollers, turn and face the strange. # # # From an evolutionary perspective, an adaptive trait is a behavior or physical characteristic that enables or enhances the probability that they will survive. For example, humans sweat to regulate their body temperature…