Hip Hop Music Teaches Us A Valuable Lesson about Small Business
I think Murphy Lee said it best in his famous hip hop tune when he asked, “What the hook gonna be?” That’s the question of the decade, isn’t it? And you know, the more I research it, the more I discover that everyone has their own name for it: The Purple Cow You, Inc. The Brand Called You The Personal Branding Phenomenom Becoming an Expert Your USP What the…
Scott’s Personal MBA Reading List
I gave a speech a few days ago during which I asked the audience one of my favorite “Let Me Ask Ya This…” questions: “What’s the one book that has most influenced your business?” The responses were excellent…and varied. People yelled titles ranging from The Bible to How to Win Friends and Influence People to The Yellow Pages (nice creative thinking on that last one.) Then I read a…
Which city is the friendliest?
I spent a day in Memphis last week. AMAZING city, and if you’ve never been there before, definately try to make it out a soon as possible. People were extremely friendly, as I expected. After a slab of ribs at the famous Rendevous I was stopped by a woman on the street. “Hey Scott, do you know you’re still wearing a nametag?” “Yeah…I always wear a nametag! It makes…
Show, Don’t Tell for UNFORGETTABLE Communication
Recently I added images of my two books onto my business cards, and the reactions have been incredible! It looks great, stands out and creates instant credibility and expertise. This is a perfect example of “Show, Don’t Tell,” a phrase pounded down the throat of every writer. I learned it from Stephen King in his book, On Writing, where he examines the idea to its fullest extent. Yet, “Show,…
How to make your emails STAND OUT
Recently, my friend Paul told me to change my “from” line on my outgoing mail. It used to simply have my email address, but then I changed it to say HELLO, my name is Scott, my personal brand, which also happens to be my website URLand the title of one of my books. And as soon as I made the change, Paul said it stood out amidst all the…
Don’t Mope at Meetings, MAXIMIZE!
During a National Speakers Association seminar over the weekend, I discovered two new networking tips for attending meetings: 1) Sit in the back. You will be able to see the bulk of the people in the audience. This allows you to pre-screen: Who is there you ALREADY KNOW Who is there you WANT TO KNOW Who is there you WANT TO KNOW YOU Honestly, I only learned this tip…
Survey Reveals Most Annoying Buzzwords, Terms and Phrases in the Workplace
Here’s the article from Marketing Today about business buzzwords gone bad. Some of my favorites from the list were: “At the end of the day” “Solution” “Thinking outside the box” “Value-added” “Get on the same page” Some annoying phrases I’d like to ADD to the list would be: “Not just THRIVING but SURVIVING” “Peace of mind” “Movers and Shakers” “It’s not a problem, it’s an opportunity” Also, play a…
Creative Lists Teach You About Yourself, Your Business and Your Customers
Creating lists help you examine your ideas, thoughts and problems visually, often resulting in patterns. This works better than thinking or talking because humans remember that which appeals to their vision three times as well as any other sense. So, creating lists will widen the areas of your memory circuit and allow your information to become clearer. Here’s a great example: try making a list of “10 Problems My…
21.5 Best Places to Network
Check out this great article from my friend and THE Sales Guy, Jeffrey Gitomer: The 21.5 Best Places to Network (and the secrets to being successful at it) LET ME ASK YA THIS… What’s your favorite place to network? * * * * Scott Ginsberg Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag
Using Taglines for Memorable Personal Branding
My friend Wendy, owner of CIO Services, used to do a lot of tech support. Although she now focuses more on consulting, writing and speaking, she told me about an old tagline that always generated business. “When you’re ready to throw your computer out the window – give me a call.” It’s funny. It’s memorable. And it captures the common pain of computer frustration. Think about it: How many…