Spice It Up! Rib Festival Teaches Us About Product Value
The Rib America Festival is a fun filled family event featuring award winning BBQ and live entertainment from national, regional and local talent. Each rib cooker features their very own special cooking strategy and recipes that make for a truly unique food festival experience. My Dad and I attend every year. And it’s our tradition to sample a few ribs from each of the cookers and ultimately choose our…
Now THIS is what front porches are really for…
Joe McCarthy at Interrelativity sent me a fantastic link to a website called Front Porch Classics. The company was founded by three dads in Seattle, Washington, looking for ways to spend quality time with family and friends. “Too often we found ourselves watching TV, DVDs, playing cheap plastic games or sitting around a computer game console. This inspired us to create a new line of games. Games that can…
Internetworking: Developing Mutually Valuable Relationships Online
Several hundred years ago Ben Franklin contemplated a revolutionary business concept: to gather people together on a regular basis to share ideas and help each other boost business. Little did he know that his idea would evolve into a field of study embraced by legions of businesspeople centuries later: networking. Certainly over those next hundred years, networking evolved in myriad ways. But with the advent of and dependence on…
Customers don’t care if you’re having a bad day
In a recent article in Sauce magazine, various locals were asked, “If the food was excellent at a restaurant, but the service terrible, would you go back?” The following two answers caught my attention: “I usually give it a shot one more time. Service is important, but sometimes servers have a bad day.” “I would have questions about going back, unless I really like the place. I understand that…
Hey look, it’s That Guy!
You might expect someone approaching his 81st birthday to be taking it easy, watching TV in a nice air-conditioned room. “Not Me,” says Paul Pagano, who will reach that age on August 3. “The Good Lord keeps me healthy, and as long as I can, I will continue making people smile.” Pagano, who lives in St. Louis, is better known to the public as Father Time. He has been…
If you wear a nametag all the time, this shouldn’t happen
After attending a Cardinals game last week some friends and I walked over to the traditional Redbirds post game celebration at a pub called Patty O’Brien’s. Not surprisingly I had my nametag ripped off two times in a three hour period. I must say, that still amazes me every time it happens. But it’s interesting to me that in 1,654 days; ONLY WOMEN have ripped my nametag off. And…
The Gallery of Annoying Email Signatures
I truly believe in the value of the email signature. It’s our duty to make ourselves and our businesses accessible and easy to reach. After all, that’s what approachability is all about. But it’s frustrating when an email contains a signature that’s utterly pointless, provides no value and often confuses the recipient. Here’s an example: “Microsoft isn’t the evil software company everyone thinks they are. They just make crappy…
Once Again, Guinness Book Rejected My Submission for a World Record
Every year I submit my proposal to the Guinness Book of World Records for “Longest Time Consistently Wearing a Nametag.” Not surprisingly, it was rejected again. Here’s what the nice people at Guinness World Records had to say: Dear Mr. Ginsberg: Thank you for sending us the details of your recent record proposal for Longest Time Consistently Wearing a Nametag. We are afraid to say that we are unable…
How to Transform Your Car Into a Networking Tool
I recently finished Ivan Misner’s book, It’s in The Cards: Getting the Biggest Impact from Your Smallest Ad. It’s a fantastic book. It’s fun, informative and full of color pictures of classic business cards. Misner is the CEO of Business Networks International (BNI), and he takes the reader through a comprehensive look at the value of business cards. He also recommends various business card resources, one of which caught…
Do You Possess Any of These Four “X-Factors?”
I just finished a brilliant article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology Today called “The Superpowers.” It discusses the X-factors such as charisma, chutzpah, joie de virvre and grace. Here are some of the highlights… * * *“X-factors are enviable dispositions that defy easy definition; even as they are immediately recognizable in people we admire…they project a positive energy that radiates beyond the person who embodies them. Only…