What’s the HICH? How to Handle Business Card Overflow at a Conference
I’m about halfway through my favorite week of the year: the annual convention of the National Speakers Association. And as I sit here in the lobby of the Atlanta Hyatt, MAN are these business cards piling up! But this is a good thing – a surefire sign that networking is in the air. HOWEVER, how many times have you returned home from a 4 day convention, whipped out your…
Kiss your power suit goodbye
Yesterday I was having lunch with a colleague when the topic of business attire came up. As a 25 year veteran of the corporate world, she was curious about my thoughts on power suits. So, when she asked what I chose to wear during meetings, speeches, conferences, etc., I told her that I wasn’t a “suit and tie” kind of guy. But I also thought it was important to…
Here’s my card! Oh wait, I don’t have one.
According to last week’s Big Question, 50% of the respondents have, at some point, missed out on a business opportunity because they DIDN’T have a business card with them. Several participants of the survey also contributed the following feedback: “Actually, [not having a card] gave me the opportunity to converse more and get more info from them.” “I have frequently forgotten cards, as I usually run out. So I…
How to Use Produce To Produce Creativity
It was 8:00 PM and I’d hit a creative wall – hard. But there was so much work to be done! And I just had to get out of the office or else my article would never get finished. So I knew the only way to stimulate my mind was to practice a technique called “displacement.” You’ve no doubt heard of (and probably practiced) this creativity booster before: take…
The Origination of the Handshake
We do it every day. Sometimes 20 times a day. But how many of us actually know where the handshake originated? According to author/speaker Melvin Murphy… “The handshake has origins more anthropological than historical. Because they carried knives, spears, and rocks, when land was scarce and sacred males would extend their hand to show that they were not attempting to kill their neighbor. To add to that, the classical…
Why do people always ask ME for directions?
This story was contributed by Ciprianna Shockley from After a seminar that I was hosting was cancelled, I didn’t want to waste my entire Saturday, so I went to Times Square in NYC and put my business card inside a nametag holder (left over from a networking event) and started handing out business cards. It started to rain, so I stepped back against the wall of the subway…
Would YOU talk to someone who looked like this?
After a recent speech to Cornerstorne Financial Group’s agency meeting, a woman in the audience talked about one of her self-admitted barriers to communication. “I’m guilty of crossing my arms. I do it all the time! And I know it’s a communication no-no; but I can’t help it because it’s comfortable and warm for me.” My response was, “Perhaps…but that probably means it’s NOT comfortable and warm for other…
I think Mickey Mouse was right
I first met my good friend Ed at one of my networking workshops on August 19th, 2004. He came up to me afterwards and said he’d heard of my nametag idea years before, but wanted to introduce himself in person. Ever since then, we’ve shared countless lunches, book idea brainstorms, networking opportunities and a valuable friendship for which I am extremely grateful. Now, check this out: almost one year…
What the heck does “approachability” mean anyway?
Since the official release of The Power of Approachability on March 22, 2005, things have been going tremendously! The book has been selling quite well around the country, both through the website and at various speaking programs. (If you’d like to read the first three chapters, click here.) I asked several colleagues, associates and members of my internetwork to share their comments about the book and how approachability plays…
Are You Sitting With The Right Company?
When I walked into Dallas’s famous Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse, all I wanted to do was to enjoy my New York Strip steak, relax and quietly review my notes for the following day’s speech. Little did I know that a valuable business lesson awaited me at the table. The only other customer in the bar was a guy sitting in the corner pounding away on his laptop. He didn’t look…