Flexibility is a form of generosity
Working at a startup offers no shortage of opportunities to be flexible. On any given day, you might be asked to do any number of unexpected things. Here’s a list from my own work experience. Reprioritize on the fly when project timeline suddenly gets cut in half. Jump right in on challenging tasks where you have zero direct experience. Move workstations to the other side of the office so…
You can checkout anytime you like, but you can never leave
Trauma is not what happens to us, but what happens inside of us. Whatever event went down, whatever thing turned out to be too much, too soon and too fast, it was just the trigger. Vanderkolk, the foremost physician on the subject, writes that trauma is the imprint that event left on our mind, brain and body. The thing is, the part of our brain that is devoted to ensuring our…
It’s not reality, it’s just the shit that we think
Each of us is compelled to do things by inner thoughts and feelings that may or may not be helpful. As such, each day brings us a chance to either deepen our sense of inner peace by thinking thoughts that serve us, or deepen our sense of anxiety by jumping on the hamster wheel of rumination. It all depends on what kind of relationship we have with our own…
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Pandemic
And as a result of the pandemic, I’ve spent the last year focusing much of my attention on how to make the most of the challenges. I released a new book titled Personal Creativity Management and launched, an online community where people can find an effervescent fountain filled with vivid and compelling ideas dedicated solely to helping people see, smell, taste and even experience how they can dramatically…
Find an easy answer so we can wrap this thing up fast
The hard part about suffering is that it doesn’t have a pie chart. There’s no clean way to accurately beak down the source, or sources, of our pain. It’s not thirty percent job stress, forty percent political climate and thirty percent ordinary depression. Truth is, whatever stuff we’re going through is a complex convergence of multiple factors. Some of which we can see, some of which we can’t see;…
Writhing in an epileptic dance of panic
Managing anxiety is a frustrating process. All the work you do to get less stressed becomes the very thing that gives you more of it. What an absurd, twisted infinite regression of the human condition. Just ask anyone who has ever suffered from mania or panic attacks. They might tell you that it’s like an ouroboros of suffering, aka, the snake eating its own tail. Their anxiety, mania or…
Full of lies and fabrications, but truer for their inclusion
There’s a popular bumper sticker you’ve probably seen that reads, live the life you love. It’s an uplifting and inspiring message about being true to yourself. But tears ago, I’ll never forgetting driving past a car in the parking lot of my local post office that had the same sticker, but with one modification. The third letter in the third word had been scratched off. I’m not sure if…
Our little speed bump of suffering doesn’t really count
Being the winner at competitive suffering is a false victory. Because it’s not about whose pain is bigger and sadder than everybody else’s. It’s not about whose despair earns the greatest amount of sympathy. And it’s not about whose story of struggle gets the most epic applause. This thing called being human is fucking hard, and suffering comes for us all. There’s no way to outmaneuver the darkness. Tweedy…
Guilty feelings pressing down on you like a lead weight
Asking for help is hard, accepting help is harder, but trusting that you’re not a burden for doing it, that’s the hardest. This is precisely what happens inside your head. When life suddenly decides to turn you into a needy, vulnerable and helpless mess of a human, layered on top of whatever pain you already feel, guilty feelings start pressing down on you like a lead weight. The voice…
NEW BOOK: Now That I Have This, What Else Does This Make Possible?
I’ve wanted to write this book since 2005. Pumped to have it finished! You can buy it here: And if you’re curious how the hell I managed to put out (yet another) dang book, check out! Here’s the synopsis: # # # Now That I Have This, What Else Does This Make Possible? offers ambitious entrepreneurs and creative professionals, or anyone who thinks like one, a much needed framework to…