How to read a book, pt. 2
(For part one in this series, click here!) 1. First of all. Never “read” any book. Study it. 2. Value. A book is an investment in yourself. It’s yours. So, don’t lend it out to ANYBODY. Not even your mom. 3. Personalize. Write, highlight, annotate and mark up that book like you were studying for med school finals. When you personalize a book, it becomes priceless. Even if it’s…
How to addict yourself to writing
The secret to writing is to addict yourself to it. Now, I admit: there’s nothing more terrifying than facing a blank page. Even Shakespeare and Steven King would agree to that! But, if you can get yourself addicted to writing, writer’s block will become an impossibility. See, I’ve been writing professionally now for about five years. And while that doesn’t mean I’ve discovered all of the secrets, I HAVE…
…but you didn’t
The most common piece of criticism I receive is: “Scott, wearing a nametag is not a unique idea. I could have done that!” And I always respond with the same two comments. Number one: You know what? You’re right: you probably COULD have done that. But you didn’t. And number two: You know what? You’re (also) right: wearing a nametag is not a unique idea. But if you think…
Is your nametag too crowded?
“Hey Scott, why do you choose to wear the simple, hand-written, first-name-only nametags? Why not get something more customized and permanent?” Well, I guess it HAS been a while since I riffed on nametags. Over the years I’ve been asked this question SO many times that I have several answers: 1. It’s pure, human and friendly. And most importantly, it’s simple. Not to mention, you’re immediately on a first…
How to convince yourself that you actually hav a real job, pt. 2
(Read the first post in this series here!) Being an entrepreneur can be a LONELY profession. Especially if you work out of your home. After all… You have no office. You have no coworkers. You have no sense of community. And sometimes, it just sucks! SO, THAT’S THE CHALLENGE: learning how to protect yourself against potential solitude. Here’s a collection of tips to help convince yourself that you actually…
How far do your thoughts travel?
Edward DeBono once said, “The measure of a great thinker is how far his thoughts travel.” I call this “Idea Reach.” And if you’re a creative professional, thought leader or entrepreneur, know this: The farther your ideas go, the more your business will grow. Now, if you want to figure out how far YOUR thoughts travel, the first thing you’ve got to do is take stock. Consider these self-assessment…
Hear The Nametag Guy on the Marketing Monday Podcast!
Just finished an interview with my new friend, Dean Jackson, from Marketing Monday. We had great discussion about one of my favorite topics, PERMISSION. In sales. In marketing. In conversation. You can read the transcript or download the MP3! Enjoy! LET ME ASK YA THIS… What’s your best Marketing Monday tip? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… Post it here! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag…
Things I Don’t Understand, Pt. 2
PICTURE THIS: you get an email from someone you’ve never met. Let’s say his name is Matt. He’s read your blog. He introduces himself. He tells you what he does for a living. Then he asks you to check out his website (if you have time). Perfectly fine, right? Nothing wrong with reaching out to someone new! But. THEN, let’s say Matt asks, “Could you please blog about my…
Create a portable creative environment
Inspiration comes unannounced. And if you don’t write it down, it never happened. SO, HERE’S THE SECRET: create a portable creative environment. My new favorite creativity Big Shot is Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. (Try saying THAT one three times fast!) Anyway, he says, “Shape your immediate surroundings so as to feel in harmony with the small segment of the universe in which you happen to be located.” So, if you’re a…
13 reasons to give stuff away for free
1. Because the more you give away for free, the wealthier you will be. Read more about this theory here. 2. Because stuff that you create doesn’t do you any good sitting in a folder on your computer. 3. Because you can let the world be your editor. By sharing your ideas (for free) with lots of people, you will get unexpected, unsolicited feedback on how to improve it….