What Brand of More Do You Deliver?
When it comes to design, less is more. When it comes to marketing, less is more. When it comes to guitar solos, less is more. HOWEVER: There are certain things in life that people will always need more of. What brand of “more” do you deliver? Consider these ideas to get started:1. Trust more than people think is wise. I trust people in advance. It’s a great time saver…
The Art of Perspective
Any time you attend a meeting, make a sales call, give a presentation, write a blog or interview with a prospective employer, you have a choice: You can vomit information. You can deliver insight. You can ask questions. You can create silence. OR: If you want to be invited back, you can deliver perspective. Something that disturbs. Something that moves eyebrows. Something that flips the mental switch. Something that…
How to Live Like a Rationalist, Part 1
Few ideas in history have been more widely repeated, debated and dissected than the following three words: Cogito ergo sum. This was the philosophy of Rene Descartes. I think therefore I am. THE GOOD NEWS IS: I am not going to attempt to debate this philosophy. Instead, I’ve adopted Rene Descartes’ formula and developed a few rationalist philosophies of my own:1. I write therefore I know. Until you write…
NametagTV: Stay Human
Being human is always good for business. And if you want your brand to stay alive, you have to leave traces of your humanity in every possible touchpoint. After all, people buy people. Not products. Not services. Not companies. People. Today we’re going to explore a collection of ideas to help you, your brand and your organization stay human:1. Friendly wins. When I started wearing a nametag everyday, I…
The Art of Vomiting
This is how I start everyday of my life: Wake up. Jump in the shower. Brush my teeth. Throw on my cozies. Fire up the laptop. Put in my headphones. Open a blank document. Vomit. Yes, vomit. For the next twenty minutes, I purge. Every thought, every impulse, every complaint and every frustration dancing through my mind, I puke onto the page. And anything goes. No stopping. No editing….
7 Things You Don’t Need More Of
Enough is enough. We don’t need more of most things. IN FACT: More has the power to work against you. And if you’re not careful, the results could be disastrous for you, your business, your people, your brand and your life. For example:1. The more you plan, the less you ship. People are obsessed with planning for three reasons: First, it preserves their sense of control. Second, it underwrites…
A Young Artist’s Guide to Playing For Keeps, Pt. 14
You’ve chosen an uncertain path. You’ve adopted an inconvenient lifestyle. You’ve embarked upon an unconventional journey. You’ve felt the voice inside you growing more urgent. You’ve committed yourself enough so you can’t turn back. IN SHORT: You’ve decided to play for keeps. This is the critical crossroads – the emotional turning point – in the life of every young artist. I’ve been there myself, and here’s a list of…
11 Radical Slogans That Will Change Your Business
You’ve probably never heard of Gershon Legman. He was the cultural critic who claimed to be the inventor of the famous phrase, “Make love, not war,” at a lecture given at Ohio University in the early sixties. And you’ve probably never heard of Penelope Rosemont, either. She was the radical activist who popularized Gershon’s phrase. Two years after his lecture, she printed thousands of buttons at the Solidarity Bookshop…
NametagTV: Interactions That Matter
You’re not in business to sell a product. You’re not in business to provide a service. You’re in business to become known for a unique way of interacting with the world. Interactions that get talked about. Interactions that give the gift of social elevation. Interactions that very well could change people forever. THAT’S THE GOAL: To interact with people in a way that nobody else can touch. Today we’re…
How to Build Story Equity
People don’t just buy what you sell. They buy the mythology you create around what you sell. They buy the story you tell that taps into their existing worldview. They buy the meaning they create for themselves in response to that story. BUT: It’s not enough for people to simply understand your story. They need to believe it. They need to feel proud to be part of it. They…