The Nametag Guy Live: How to Inspire People to Motivate Themselves
LET ME ASK YA THIS… How do you inspire people to motivate themselves? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “134 Questions Every Salesperson Should Ask,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Publisher, Artist, Mentor [email protected] Never the same speech twice. Now booking for 2012! Watch The Nametag Guy…
Do You Taste Like Fish?
I was in Tokyo when it happened. When I sat down at the sushi bar, the chef noticed my nametag, bowed and greeted me with what I assume is the Japanese version of my name: “Scotto!” He laughed, so I showed him the second nametag under my jacket. “Scotto! Hai!” He motioned over to his boss, yelled something in Japanese and brought him over to meet me. I pulled…
How to Break the Box Around Yourself and Let People Like You
College was hard. Not the school part – the social part. Making friends. Going to parties. Hanging out at bars. Trying to score dates. All of it was a struggle. Not because I was shy – because I was sober. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. I don’t do anything. It’s nothing religious. Nothing philosophical. Just a choice: I don’t like the taste. I don’t…
Letting the Nerd Come Out to Play
I once found a Halloween costume called “The Nerd Kit.” The contents included a pocket protector, fake teeth with braces, acne paint, a black bow tie, a pair of thick-rimmed glasses with adhesive tape over the bridge, and of course, a red and white nametag that read “Harold.” Perfect. Then again, I’ve always been a nerd. The nametag just gave me permission to let him come out and play….
4 Keys To Success That Small Business Owners Often Forget—Even The Pros
Small businesspeople are smart. They’re masters of marketing, sales, leadership, operations and customer service. But occasionally they forget basic elements that make them successful. And to ignore them is to ignore the potential of new business. Straight from my monthly column at American Express Open Forum, make sure you don’t forget these four keys: 1. Simplicity is eloquence. It happens all the time. Nametag companies send me their fancy,…
What My Nametag Taught Me About Diversity
Every culture responds to my nametag in its own unique way. Latin Americans are engaging. When I walk in their stores, they smile and say, “Buenos dias, Escott!” Indians are proper. When I shake their hands, they always call me, “Mr. Scott.” Australians are affirmative and humorous. When I tell them I wear a nametag everyday, they nod and say, “Good on ya mate! I reckon that’s helpful when…
NametagTV: Responses That Matter
Not everyone is looking for an answer. When people turn to you, sometimes all they want is a response. Here’s the difference: When you give answers, you fix. When you give answers, you offer advice. When you give answers, you try to be right. When you give answers, you add unnecessary value. When you give answers, you dominate the discussion. When you give answers, you impose your own direction….
Download a Copy of “The Nametag Principle” For Free, In Its Entirety, No Strings, Right Now!
Thanks to my friends at esbjournal, you can now download my latest daily devotional, “The Nametag Principle”, in its entirety, for free, no strings attached, right now. Yes, you can also buy the book on Amazon. But I just figured, what the hell. Why not give it away? The more you give away for free, the wealthier you will be. Markets reward generosity. Enjoy the devotional. LET ME ASK…
Help Scott Ginsberg Write “The Nametag Manifesto” On
After 4000+ days, I am convinced the societal implications of everybody wearing nametags could change our world forever. I’ve written my official manifesto, and to publish it, I need your vote. It takes ten seconds. Please help! Here’s the synopsis: Everyone should wear nametags. Every day. Everywhere. After eleven years of constant experimentation, research and exploration, Scott Ginsberg, who has worn a nametag for 4,000 consecutive days, believes that…
The Bridge Between Opportunity and Profitability
Wearing a nametag every day isn’t much of an accomplishment. Making a successful career out of it, is. That’s leverage. Killing two stones with one bird. And it all pivots on one question: Now that I have this, what else does this make possible? That’s not just a question, that’s a catapult. And if you’re willing to adopt leverage as a way of thinking, as a way of living…