Make a mental leap into the immediate future
Carlin once said that when we let go of the attachment to goals, good things start to come to us. It’s an interesting take on the law of polarity, whereby any over determined action produces its exact opposite. The less we care, the better we do. When we expect nothing, we receive everything. And yet, there’s still value in the experience of setting goals. Because once we announce, even…
Learn to breathe in help
It’s a scary moment when you decide to bring someone into your dream. Because as much as you value their support, part of you is afraid to burden them with your desires and overwhelm them with your anxieties and disrupt the economy of the relationship by constantly injecting your dream into every conversation. And that’s a normal fear. Nobody wants to be a monopolizer. Nobody wants to have a…
All we hear are crickets and wind
Every time I launch my latest big idea into the world, there’s a part of me that thinks to myself, okay man, this is the greatest thing that ever was, and it’s going to get traction and achieve instant success and be so huge that it’s going to break the internet. Always the optimist. However, as much as I want the external world to submit to my internal demands,…
Moments of Conception 146 — The Busking Scene from August Rush
All creativity begins with the moment of conception. That little piece of kindling that gets the fire going. That initial source of inspiration that takes on a life of its own. That single note from which the entire symphony grows. That single spark of life that signals an idea’s movement value, almost screaming to us, something wants to be built here. And so, in this blog series, I’m going to…
Locating your sense of rhythm
Emerson notoriously said that nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. He was right. Enthusiasm is that rare force that grows on its own and builds on itself and provides us with the momentum we need to take massive action on our endeavors. But what our transcendentalist friend failed to mention was, an overabundance of enthusiasm can work in reverse. It can retard our progress. Consider the neophyte entrepreneur….
Moments of Conception 145 — The Monetization Scene from The Social Network
All creativity begins with the moment of conception. That little piece of kindling that gets the fire going. That initial source of inspiration that takes on a life of its own. That single note from which the entire symphony grows. That single spark of life that signals an idea’s movement value, almost screaming to us, something wants to be built here. And so, in this blog series, I’m going to…
Imagination is a neutral construct
I was reading a book about the creative process of a world famous performance artist. Philippe explained that those who want to achieve something find a way, but those who do not, find an excuse. I remember thinking to myself, wow, that’s the real energy crisis on this planet. Our complete misappropriation of imagination. Our addiction to complaining and justifying and catastrophizing and blaming, all of which are gross…
Tunnel of Love — Chapter 13: Sweet Somethings (2014) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Tunnel of Love is a feature length concert documentary written, produced, directed and scored by Scott Ginsberg. The film explores the intersection of identity, belonging and creativity. Through live performances, playful and romantic exchanges, unexpected creative moments of conception and behind the scenes storytelling, Ginsberg’s film takes you on a heartfelt journey about what it means to be an artist, a romantic and an opportunist. Watch the trailer. Meet the creators. Go behind the scenes. See the…
Make war against the way things are
People transform when they’re satiated. When they’ve reached the threshold of no more. When constructive discontent makes them less comfortable where they are and they start to see a vision of how they can live differently. That’s when a portal opens up. An invitation to live a better story. That’s when people begin to create a new realm of possibility for themselves. But not without help. Transformation is an…
Moments of Conception 144 — The Prison Scene from Hurricane
All creativity begins with the moment of conception. That little piece of kindling that gets the fire going. That initial source of inspiration that takes on a life of its own. That single note from which the entire symphony grows. That single spark of life that signals an idea’s movement value, almost screaming to us, something wants to be built here. And so, in this blog series, I’m going to…