Kill two stones with one bird
Everything we do should lead to something else we do. That’s core to the leverage mindset. Multiplication. Turning one opportunity into twenty. Recently, one of my clients rented my brain to help his team setup a system for leveraging customer relationships. I was thrilled to start the project. The only problem was, I had never done that for a client before. And so, to prepare for our meeting, I…
Priority follows biology
During a recent interview, the host of the show asked me how I prioritized my many projects. But I said to him, I don’t prioritize my projects, I listen for what wants to be written. I follow my energy and check in with my body and gauge how the prospect of doing something makes me feel. That’s my filter. If working on a project makes my insides come alive…
Be responsible for your own evolution
There are several indicators that you’ve taken a complete step forward in your brand’s evolution. One is diversity. Offering your work in new ways each year. Taking hidden products or services out of the shadows. Making your value accessible to people with different needs. Building on your offerings with better and more sophisticated variations. And converting the smallest revenue centers of your enterprise into an entirely new business units. Another…
Making commerce easier to swallow
Selling isn’t my strong suit, creativity is. I’m much better at getting heard than getting paid. However, asking people for money is fundamental to the success of any enterprise. Artists who don’t sell, suffer. And so, I try to use creativity to trick myself into selling. To kill two stones with one bird, as the saying goes. Here’s how my process works. Anytime I create something new, from a…
Eyes Full Of Dreams — Chapter 04: Everything (2015) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Eyes Full Of Dreams is a musical and motivational masterclass about making use of everything you are. This film will be presented as a serialized, episodic documentary. I’m premiering each song as a stand alone chapter. Watch the movie, buy the album and download the dream journal at Everything Hope Palms sweaty and your heart’s elevated This ain’t no joke Kitchen floor boards under your swords Have awoke But I’m not…
So many questions behind your eyes
As comforting as it is to see through a cozy ideological prism that begs no alternative, it’s useful to have our worldviews shattered from time to time. I’ll never forget the first day I tried out contact lenses. My friends and I were at a baseball game, and for the first time in my life, I could actually see everything clearly. It was breathtaking. The scoreboards and the advertisements…
Where creativity finds access to us
Creativity shows up in three primary ways. First, there’s natural creativity, which manifests through a person’s inherited endowment of imagination. Which all depends on their genetic package. Carlin, for example, attributed his creative prowess to his brainy mother, who was a linguistic educator, and to his showman father, who was an award winning public speaker. No wonder he wrote twenty pages of comedy every day and did a new…
Anytime an anxiety trigger approaches
The best thing my therapist ever told me was, stress never goes away. There’s always a monster in the room. You may as well create a toolkit to help yourself cohabitate with it. And so, over the years I’ve accumulated a robust arsenal of anxiety reducing tools, including stillness mediations, moving meditations, singing meditations, breathing techniques, wellness programs, therapy workbooks, relaxation exercises, stretching regiments, calmness routines, joy triggers, calorie…
That time I accidentally played a concert for 200 people
It was just a typical weekend singing songs in the Tunnel of Love. Until a massive thunderstorm came through Prospect Park. Before I knew it, 200 people took shelter under the arch. However, the show must go on. And so, despite the flood and noise, I kept playing. It felt like that scene in Titanic when the string quartet keeps the music playing while the ship sinks. Lesson learned,…
How to disrupt yoursef
There’s no hero’s journey about a guy who never leaves home. Campbell’s groundbreaking work reminds us that for any hero to begin their journey, they must be called away from the ordinary world. Removed from their typical environment. Plucked from their mundane situation of normality and obscurity. It’s a terrifying moment. The adventure beckons us, and we literally feel its gravitational pull. Because as humans, we’re emotionally attached to…