Faith, we’re told, is an
unclassified cognitive illness disguised as a moral virtue.
It’s not a reliable
guide to reality and it taints and removes our curiosity about the world.
enough. In fact, when viewed through the fundamentalist lens, I would agree.
Faith isn’t all that useful.
Then again, it all depends on how you understand
the term.
Cameron’s book on
weathering the storms in our spiritual lives makes the argument that faith has
nothing to do with an all powerful sky daddy, and everything to do with trusting
and letting go and becoming open to the truth, whatever it might turn out to
It’s not about objects, but an orientation and energy of our life. The
pulse of faith is the ability to be where we are, to accept that where we are
is where are supposed to be, and to believe that we are headed in the right
direction for our lives.
That’s the kind of faith I can get behind.
it’s not about religion, it’s about relinquishment. It’s not about something
you have or do not have, it’s about something you do or do not do.
Faith is asking ourselves which areas of our identities we’re reluctant to
surrender. Faith is wondering where in our hearts we might have an agenda that
we’re afraid to let go of. Faith is taking a lively interest in our own
unfolding, without trying to white knuckle the world into some picture of
That’s where joy lives.
It comes from trusting the moment.
Do you cleave so unshakably to the heavens that you pull them down to earth?
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
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