At least once a week, I receive an email, link or even a package in the mail with some type of nametag related paraphernalia, for which I’m always grateful. I mean, after all, who else would care so much about stuff like this?!
Recently, fellow speaker and friend Justin Driscoll sent me a very cool feature in the Pittsburgh City Paper called Game of the Name. I’ve included a few excerpts from the main page, plus several in-depth articles that continue to answer the question, “What’s in a name?”
“The more self-centered our culture has become, the harder it is to say who we really are. Even the most seemingly stable thing about us – our name – has become slippery, subject to endless change. Blame technology, if you want. It’s rarely been easier for the government to find out all about you, but our identities have also never been so easy to steal. The Internet lays bare our bank accounts and medical records, while chatrooms and MySpace allow us to pretend to be whomever we wish.”
“But it’s more than that. For generations we’ve been willing to sacrifice our names for love – increasingly, however, we’re willing to do it for our religion, or even for a few bucks. Some do it to reflect a change in who we are; others do so in an effort to bring that change about.”
If you could change your name to anyone (or anything), what would you choose?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag