Trading Analog Dollars for Digital Pennies

The web isn’t just a connection machine, it’s a cutting machine.

We’ve traded analog dollars for digital pennies, and the
smart people and organizations who are taking advantage of this trend are
seeing massive dividends.

We’ve lowered the cost of gratitude, which means saying thank you to people has never been
easier. How are you using social media as a hearing aid to become a hero on a
moment’s notice?

We’ve lowered the cost of sharing, which means making our ideas spreadable through people has
never been easier. How does your content give people bragging rights and
increased status when they share it?

We’ve lowered the cost of generosity, which means giving ourselves away to people has never
been easier. How are you delivering a daily gift to the world that builds up a
huge surplus of goodwill?

We’ve lowered the cost of communicating, which means taking a risk and extending ourselves to
people has never been easier. How can you quickly identify unsatisfied customers and reach out to help

We’ve lowered the cost of collaborating, which means taking a risk and extending ourselves to
people has never been easier. How could you bring your humanity to the moment
and find a new voice together?

We’ve lowered the cost of production, which means if you own a laptop, you own the factory.
How will your organization come to power through its creations of code, not its
construction of steel?

We’ve lowered the cost of engagement, which means the emotional labor of doing something
difficult with people has never been easier. How can you appease problems and
do marketing at the same time?

We’ve lowered the cost of distributing, which means making our work available to people has
never been easier. How could you implement a pricing strategy that would make
the competition want to come to your office and choke you?

He who cuts the most, wins.


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Author. Speaker. Strategist. Songwriter. Filmmaker. Inventor. Gameshow Host. World Record Holder. I also wear a nametag 24-7. Even to bed.
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