When You Think Like An Entrepreneur, You Are The Powers That Be

Society flourishes when people think entrepreneurially.

When a natural disaster devastates millions of people’s
livelihoods, the stories that touch my heart the most are the ones involving
courageous people who don’t need permission to take action, the ones who don’t
wait around for the green light from above to help those in need.

According to a recent article, The Red Hook Initiative was joined by about fifteen
people from the Occupy movement who have set up infrastructure and logistics
for running hot meal operations serving, hundreds of people every day, bringing
in medics, gathering information and broadcasting calls for volunteers and

Real entrepreneurship isn’t about running a business, it’s
about running the risk. In the words of Douglas Rushkoff, the biggest threat to
the powers that be is anyone who occupies anything.

That’s the exciting part about thinking like an

You are the powers
that be.

It is that initiative, that instigation capital, that human
will, and that desire to move forward, that make the world better.


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Author. Speaker. Strategist. Songwriter. Filmmaker. Inventor. Gameshow Host. World Record Holder. I also wear a nametag 24-7. Even to bed.
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