Language is the fuel that drives
the engine of execution.
That’s why so few people carry their ideas far enough.
They’re trapped in an outdated way of speaking about themselves.
One of the
helpful strategies you can learn from cognitive behavioral therapy is to
substitute new language that supports your intention to move in a certain
direction. Because once you change your definition, you change your context.
Once you change your context, you lower the threat level. And once you lower
the threat level, there are fewer excuses to prevent you from moving forward.
Here’s an example from my own
For years, I dreamed of building software around my unique creative process.
The prospect of concepting, designing, building, launching and evangelizing a
proprietary web application fully energized me. But every time I sat down to
work on the project, my excitement would dwindle within minutes. Because in
mind, software development was supposed
to be a complex, expensive, left brained, linear process, reserved for computer
scientists and techies and programmers, not people like me.
And that was the
problem. The limits of my language became the limits of my world.
though, I’ve changed my definition of the wordsoftware. I’ve reminded myself, oh right, there is no supposing
committee. I can do whatever I want. I just need to change the way I talk to
myself about this.
And so, I began substituting new language. I started
reframing my definition of the word software, without all the cultural baggage
that had built up around it. Sure enough, my level of execution has
skyrocketed. With the help of an incredible programmer, I’ve launched an a
family of single serving software apps that I’m insanely proud of.
They’re not
fancy. They don’t make any money. But I use them every single day to do my job
better. Under my definition of the word software, that’s a win.
Once you jimmy the lock on your language box, what will become possible for you?
For a copy of the list called, “33 Ways to Approach Unhappy Customers,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author. Speaker. Strategist. Inventor. Filmmaker. Publisher. Songwriter.
“Scott Ginsberg’s employee training on approachability was the absolute perfect fit, and completely exceeded everyone’s expectations, including mine. The feedback we received from our team was that this was hands down the best training they have ever been to. Scott found out what was important to us and gave us several options for training solutions. I would highly recommend him for a variety of industries, and I would happily work with him again!” –Anne Conway, PHR | Corporate Director of Training and Development, | Lodging Hospitality Management
Email to inquire about fees and availability. Watch clips of The Nametag Guy in action here!