I think I finally got this RSS thing down: it’s like TiVo for the Internet.
What you’re looking at are all of the appropriate buttons (located on the right of the page) that will enable you to subscribe to this blog.
Now, since RSS (which stands for “Really Simple Syndication”) is on the cusp of its tipping point, I thought I’d use Seth’s explanation to help you (and me!) understand what the heck it means:
RSS is just a little peep, a signal, a ping that comes from a favorite blog or site, telling your computer that it has been updated. If you have an RSS reader (they’re free and easy and you don’t even have to install anything), whenever a blog is updated, it shows up in your reader and you can catch up on the news. If there’s nothing new, it doesn’t show up and you don’t have to waste time surfing around.
RSS is just about everywhere you want it to be. So, add other RSS feeds on stuff you care about. And if you want a downloadable reader, just go to google and search on “RSS reader” and the name of your computer’s operating system. You’ll find a bunch.
Okay folks. Got it? Cool. Now, all you have to do to subscribe to this blog is ONE of the following:
1) Scroll to the top right corner of this blog (right under The Nametag Network) until you see a bunch of colorful buttons for Google, MyYahoo and the like. Click on MyYahoo, (or whichever reader you choose) and you’ll be taken to that provider’s homepage where you can add this blog to your personal list. If you don’t have an account you can add a personal page – like MyYahoo, for example – to subscribe.
2) You can also click the link below:
HELLO, my name is Blog – powered by FeedBurner.
3) Easiest of all, enter your email into the box that says “Subscribe Me!” and you’ll receive instant updates via Feedblitz that include my most recent post.
If you have any questions, just let me know. If not, RSS away!
Is RSS the next big thing?
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag