Our culture has a severe addiction to a family of dangerous ideas, each of which has a slightly different species.
Here they are, in no special order.
Clarity, closure, certainty, consistency, consensus, control, cleanness and completeness.
Clarity means everything has to be plainly seen and understood.
Closure means everything has to be wrapped up in a tidy bow.
Certainty means everything is guaranteed with zero probabilities to contend with.
Consistency means everything is predictable, orderly and undemanding.
Consensus means everything is safe and doesn’t offend anyone.
Control means everything that happens in our life is a result of our own actions.
Cleanness means everything is simple and free of difficult layers.
Completeness means everything is connected to the whole and flowing as it is meant to be.
We are addicted to every single one of these.
Hanging our hearts on such narrow pegs, we’re hoping for something that simply not going to exist. Waiting in limbo to receive the gift of cotton candy skies, we’re waiting on a train that’s never going to come.
Earls wrote a book that chronicles the dawn of the age of creativity in business, in which he said the following:
It is an unfortunate fact of life that moving forward always means letting go of some things that have previously helped us. And yet we continue to use the construct, long after it has been shown to be groundless.
Yet another sign that letting go might be in order.
Our precious cocktail of clarity, closure, certainty, consistency, consensus, control, cleanness and completeness?
The time has come to get sober.
Are you willing to let go of the need for what most define as order?