Is the reason you began doing this still valid and as important today?
Weiss asks this in his book about life balance. It’s a simple and candid question that honors the inevitable changes human beings undergo in life. Challenging us not to hold ourselves hostage to accreted detritus solely out of our sense of obligation or a need for consistency.
And so, the sign that we’re always on the lookout for is, this isn’t working for me anymore.
Because everything in this world has a lifecycle. As our needs change, so do our reasons for doing things. And there is nothing wrong with jettisoning them.
In fact, the humility and bravery to name, frame, claim and aim those things is our greatest asset. It could be a stale relationship, an obsolete job, the community we’ve outgrown, or the city we’ve aged out of.
We all have things in our life that, at this very moment, have clearly run their course. Things that have outlived their usefulness. And unless we learn how to push past the gravitational pull, then we’ll never fulfill our potential.
Back to the original question.
Is the reason you began doing this still valid and as important today?
Unfurnish the overcommitted nervous rooms of your life. Stop allowing guilt to clutter your life with things you do not love or no longer need.
If not, let it go. It’s going to be okay. Unfurnish the overcommitted nervous rooms of your life. Stop allowing guilt to clutter your life with things you do not love or no longer need.
Reminds me writing the fated ten page letter of retirement to myself. My first career as a public speaker had run its course. The need was no longer there, and the even want was no longer there. My reason for beginning that journey was no longer valid and important. It was time to walk away.
And although it took a few years to officially fight the pull of gravity and transition into act two of my professional life, eventually, there was no looking back.
My potential was once again gloriously unimpeded.
This is what’s possible when a person does their absolute best to articulate what has fulfilled its lifecycle.
Will you choose not to force something if it’s no longer working?